Home/Tag: effective tax rates

Estate Tax & PAYGO


The House is scheduled to take up a Paygo bill — short for b”pay-as-you-go” — this week that makes room for an estate tax fix. Paygo was established back in 1990 as a means of controlling the Federal deficit. Under Paygo, any increase in the deficit, either by a reduction in revenues or an increase in mandatory spending, must either be fully offset or it will be added to the Paygo scorecard and possibly trigger an across-the-board spending cut (called sequestration) at the end of the fiscal year.


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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00July 21, 2009|

S-Corp Priorities Included in Small Business Tax Relief Bill

Just prior to the July 4th break, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced a package of small-business friendly tax provisions, including one of our S-CORP priorities – built-in gains relief! Specifically, the legislation (S. 1381) includes:

  • Reducing the BIG holding period from 10 to 5 years;
  • Providing a 20 percent deduction for flow-through business income for businesses with less than $50 million in annual gross receipts; and
  • Increasing Section 179 expensing, lowering corporate rates, exempting

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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00July 9, 2009|

Budget Process and Reconciliation

Both the House and the Senate completed their respective budget resolutions last week. The plan now is for the two bodies to get together to resolve any differences and produce a single budget in the form of a conference report. We expect most of those discussions to take place over the next couple of weeks.

One of the key questions for budget conferees is whether or not they will include reconciliation instructions for health care reform and climate change. As S-CORP readers know, the virtue of reconciliation is that it lowers the bar to pass something in the Senate from a

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2019-02-06T17:22:35+00:00April 8, 2009|

Election Impact on S Corporations

We’ll write more about the election in coming months, but wanted to send out a quick summary of how the elections yesterday affect the S corporation community.

We’ve noted several times that President-elect Obama’s tax policies are not friendly to flow-through businesses. The combination of higher tax rates and a broader base has the potential to significantly increase the marginal and effective tax rates paid by S corporations.

One factor that may retard the push towards higher rates is the weakening economy. Now that the credit crisis appears to be under control, investors and businesses are faced with a classic cyclical slowdown

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2019-02-06T17:22:36+00:00November 5, 2008|

Bailout and Extenders Combined

As equity markets continue their wild swings while the credit markets signal distress, Congress will make another run at the financial sector bailout this evening.

This time the Senate will try. The new package retains the core of the bailout — authority for Treasury to purchase hundreds of billions of dollars worth of troubled mortgages and other assets — while adding an increase in FDIC insurance levels from $100,000 to $250,000, hurricane relief, and the Senate-passed tax extender package.

The Senate will take up the package this evening, voting around 8:00 pm Eastern Time. If it passes, the House will take it

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2019-02-06T18:06:06+00:00October 1, 2008|