Home/Tag: effective tax rates

Budget Debate and Taxes

Everyone in Washington knows Congress will have to address the growth of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and the expiration of popular tax provisions over the next three years. Just how they will go about it, however, is very much up in the air.

Both the House and the Senate are considering their respective budgets this week. Lots goes into a federal budget, as you can imagine, but nothing is more important for S corporations than how this budget will address the AMT and expiring tax provisions.

On this question, the House and Senate are moving in opposite directions. The House wants

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2019-02-06T18:43:57+00:00March 11, 2008|

Higher Tax Rates on Horizon

We’ve had numerous conversations in the past couple of weeks with S corporation owners about the tax outlook for the next couple of years, and it’s becoming apparent that the S-Corp community is underestimating the threat of higher tax rates on the horizon. With that in mind, here’s our best assessment of what to worry about, and when to worry about it.

First, in case you have not heard, all the major tax relief provisions enacted since 2001 will expire at the end of 2010 unless Congress acts to extend them. For S corporations, that means higher tax rates on your

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2019-02-06T18:43:59+00:00November 7, 2007|