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Nichols Explains 199A in TaxNotes

S Corporation Association advisor and Board member Tom Nichols of Meissner Tierney Fisher and Nichols has published a solid defense of 199A in TaxNotes this week.

As we’ve noted previously, the House tax package would knee-cap private companies with rates nearly twice those paid by public C corporations – 46.4 percent versus 26.5 percent.  No business structure can survive such an imbalance, so the net effect would be to encourage further consolidation into the few thousand companies traded on the public exchanges.  That’s bad for millions of Main Street businesses and bad for the workers and communities that depend on

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2021-09-27T13:51:52+00:00September 27, 2021|

Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 14: “Confusion Reigns”

This week, Democrat leadership announced they had agreed to a “framework” on the revenue portion of their $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. But with moderates and progressives at odds over both the timing and content of the final product, what exactly does this mean?  Will a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure package take place Monday?  When might we see a package that could actually pass the Senate?  Or the House?  Our guest, Joe Lieber, Director of Research and Political Analyst at Washington Analysis, is back to demystify it all and clarify where things go from here.

This episode of Talking Taxes in a

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2021-09-24T14:04:53+00:00September 24, 2021|

JCT Confirms Assault on Main Street

The distribution tables released Tuesday on Chairman Neal’s tax increase package tell us what we already knew – the Neal bill is an all-out assault on family-owned businesses, together with the thousands of communities and millions of employees that depend on them.

According to the tables, under the Neal bill taxpayers making more than $1 million a year would see their effective (average) rate rise from 30.2 percent 37.3 percent.  Average rates are the taxes you pay on every dollar you earn and that is a massive increase at any time, let alone at the end of a pandemic.

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2021-09-16T16:48:03+00:00September 16, 2021|

Neal Draft Targets Main Street

The House Ways and Means Committee on Monday released legislation aimed at paying for the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending package. Committee members are scheduled to begin marking up the package today and expect to finish on Wednesday. A summary document suggests the tax hikes would amount to some $2 trillion in new revenue, with an additional $200 billion in savings resulting from increased IRS funding.

Provisions Affecting Pass-Throughs

For private businesses, the Chairman’s mark is nothing short of a declaration of war.  There’s a reason more than 120 groups wrote the Committee in opposition to the package last week. 

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2021-10-08T16:50:54+00:00September 14, 2021|

Main Street Responds to Looming Tax Threat

With the House Ways and Means Committee kicking off its portion of the massive, $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill, more than 120 trade associations today voiced their strong opposition to the litany of tax hikes under consideration, and called on Chairman Richie Neal to reject any measures which would further burden Main Street businesses.

As the letter states:

Individually- and family-owned businesses are the cornerstone of the American economy.  They represent nearly all businesses, they employ the vast majority of private sector workers, and they are the building block upon which innumerable communities across this country are built.

The package of tax

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2021-10-14T17:00:09+00:00September 9, 2021|