CTA Update | July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024|0 Comments

Notable Developments Appeals court sets hearing date Yellen grilled by House lawmakers New FinCEN guidance expands CTA’s reach Legal Update The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals announced a hearing in NSBA v Yellen, the case ...

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Breaking Down the False CTA Narrative

June 17, 2024|0 Comments

Tax Notes published a good summary of the state of play regarding the Corporate Transparency Act in last week’s edition, including highlighting the multiple lawsuits filed against the law and the several bills introduced to ...

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House Small Business on CTA

April 30, 2024|0 Comments

With the Corporate Transparency Act in effect for several months now, the House Small Business Committee convened to discuss how the rollout of the new law is going. The short answer – not so good. ...

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Main Street Backs CTA Repeal

April 29, 2024|0 Comments

Today over 100 trade associations, representing millions of small businesses nationwide, strongly supported legislation introduced by Representative Warren Davidson (R-OH) to repeal the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). Appropriately named the “Repealing Big Brother Overreach Act”, ...

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Support CTA Relief

April 16, 2024|0 Comments

The House Small Business Committee is holding a hearing on the Corporate Transparency Act later this month. One witness will be Carol Roth, a bestselling author and small business advocate who has helped lead the ...

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Time to Pause the CTA

March 19, 2024|0 Comments

The Main Street business community came out in force today calling on Congress to enact the Protect Small Business and Prevent Illicit Financial Activity Act (S. 3625). The legislation, championed by Senator Tim Scott (R-NC), ...

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CTA’s Prospects, Post-NSBA v. Yellen

March 7, 2024|0 Comments

Friday’s District Court decision declaring the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) unconstitutional is garnering lots of attention. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board noted, “The judgment is a legal bullet dodged for millions of small ...

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FinCEN in the House

February 13, 2024|0 Comments

The head of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) will testify tomorrow before the House Financial Services Committee (HFSC). The hearing will focus on the Corporate Transparency Act’s implementation and is a good opportunity for ...

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CTA Criticism Growing

January 3, 2024|0 Comments

With the Treasury Department’s beneficial ownership reporting portal now up and running, the Corporate Transparency Act is officially in effect. That means covered entities formed this year – 5 to 6 million, by FinCEN’s own ...

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Congress Moves CTA Delay (Maybe)

December 21, 2023|0 Comments

Lots of action with the CTA in the weeks leading up to New Year’s. On Tuesday past, the House advanced the Protect Small Business and Prevent Illicit Financial Activity Act (H.R. 5119) sponsored by Representatives ...

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No One is Ready for the CTA

November 21, 2023|0 Comments

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Sunday’s Wall Street Journal’s editorial page highlighted our Main Street letter calling for a one-year delay of the Corporate Transparency Act’s reporting requirements. Appropriately titled The Coming Deluge for Small ...

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