Home/Tag: built-in gains

Permanent Built-In Gains Relief Passes Congress! 

After fifteen years of advocacy, one stimulus bill and three extenders, permanent built-in gains relief is just one short ride down Pennsylvania Avenue away from becoming law!

That’s because the Senate just voted 65-33 on passage of a tax extender bill that included numerous provisions important to the Main Street business community, clearing the way for it to go to the President’s desk, where he plans to sign it.

Getting these provisions made permanent is, to paraphrase Donald Trump, a HUGE deal, and should be the cause of celebration for businesses and tax professionals alike at holiday time.  As Politico noted

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2019-02-01T19:59:03+00:00December 18, 2015|

Permanent Built-In Gains in Extender Package

Negotiators agreed to a package of tax and a package of spending provisions last night, and the big news (pun intended) is that the 5-year recognition period for built-in gains (BIG) – something S-Corp has been championing for more than a decade – is made permanent in the tax package!  We’re also happy to see that another priority, a basis adjustment to ensure S corporation owners can receive full charitable deductions on contributions, is also made permanent in this package!

The process from here is that the packages introduced last night will be held over for a couple days so members

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2019-02-01T19:59:03+00:00December 16, 2015|

S-CORP Testifies


Ahead of the extender deadline, S-Corp was on the Hill testifying yesterday that Congress needs to act to end the extender roller coaster and make permanent these provisions, including the built-in gains relief that affects so many of our S corporations.  At a hearing hosted by the House Small Business Committee entitled “Tax Extenders and Small Businesses as Employers of Choice” S-Corp was represented by Tom Nichols, Chairman of our Board of Advisors.

Tom Nichols Testimony 12.3

Tom opened his remarks by highlighting the important role pass-through businesses play

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2019-02-01T19:59:03+00:00December 4, 2015|

Extenders – The Post-Thanksgiving Update

Lots of noise on the extender front, but is there progress being made?  Hard to tell.  Last week, a list of potential items made the rounds that would have made some provisions permanent, some extended for 5 years, and some extended for 2 years. Specifically, the list included:

  • Permanent: All the House passed permanent provisions, including small business expensing and the shorter built-in gains recognition period but not bonus depreciation, plus changes to the American Opportunity tax credit, child tax credit, the earned income tax credit.
  • 5-Year: Bonus depreciation, the Production Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credit, and the Work Opportunity Tax

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2019-02-01T19:59:03+00:00December 2, 2015|

Recap of a Busy Week in Tax Policy

Patent/Innovation Box

Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA) and Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) unveiled their proposed “innovation box” legislation aimed at keeping intellectual property registered in the United States. The bill would lower the rate on qualified income from patents and intellectual property to 10 percent, but only for firms with domestic R&E expenses. Similar laws already exist in Europe, and there are signals that this could become part of a Ways and Means international tax package later this year. Here’s Chairman Ryan on the proposal:

The proposal from Reps. Boustany and Neal can help us stem the tide and protect good American jobs. It

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2019-02-01T19:59:04+00:00July 31, 2015|