Home/Tag: tax rates

Baucus III

The tax community is still waiting for the third version of the Baucus substitute to be released. A “trial balloon” draft circulated yesterday made certain changes, but failed to address many of the sticking points holding up the overall bill.

Meanwhile, Senators Baucus and Reid spent most of yesterday negotiating with swing Republican votes — at this point, just Maine Republican Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins — to identify what changes are necessary in order to gain the 59th and 60th votes needed. As CongressDaily reports:

The chief target appears to be $24 billion to extend higher Medicaid matching funds

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2019-02-06T17:20:59+00:00June 23, 2010|

Jobs Bill on Senate Floor Next Week

Senate leadership has committed to taking up a Jobs bill next week. The details of the package are still being worked out, but the list released by the Senate Democrats includes:

  • Job Creation tax credit
  • UI and Cobra Extensions
  • Bonus depreciation and 179 expensing
  • Highway funding
  • Build America Bonds
  • SBA loans
  • Export Promotion
  • Some energy related tax items

Although it’s not mentioned, we do expect the tax extenders to also be part on the mix. On the other hand, an estate tax fix is not likely to be included. Senator Reid told reporters that he still plans to move legislation restoring the estate tax,

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2019-02-06T17:21:00+00:00February 5, 2010|

Value-Added Tax Coming to America?

Two weeks ago, the Senate Finance Committee released its summary of options to pay for health care reform. As expected, the list was long and could be divided up any number of ways. One item missing from the list, however, is a source of revenue folks are talking about for health care reform and other spending priorities too — a value added tax (VAT).

The Finance Committee summary followed the release of papers on improving health care delivery and expanding coverage. The key to all three papers is that, while they give the reader a sense of where the Committee is

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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00June 2, 2009|

Budget Process and Reconciliation

Both the House and the Senate completed their respective budget resolutions last week. The plan now is for the two bodies to get together to resolve any differences and produce a single budget in the form of a conference report. We expect most of those discussions to take place over the next couple of weeks.

One of the key questions for budget conferees is whether or not they will include reconciliation instructions for health care reform and climate change. As S-CORP readers know, the virtue of reconciliation is that it lowers the bar to pass something in the Senate from a

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2019-02-06T17:22:35+00:00April 8, 2009|

Election Impact on S Corporations

We’ll write more about the election in coming months, but wanted to send out a quick summary of how the elections yesterday affect the S corporation community.

We’ve noted several times that President-elect Obama’s tax policies are not friendly to flow-through businesses. The combination of higher tax rates and a broader base has the potential to significantly increase the marginal and effective tax rates paid by S corporations.

One factor that may retard the push towards higher rates is the weakening economy. Now that the credit crisis appears to be under control, investors and businesses are faced with a classic cyclical slowdown

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2019-02-06T17:22:36+00:00November 5, 2008|