Home/Tag: international tax

Administration Updates its Corporate Tax Reform Proposal

Lost in all the hoopla over the Treasury’s new inversion policies was the accompanying update to their corporate tax reform outline.  You can read the whole 30-page document here, but the bottom line is that not much has changed.

The plan still treats the pass-through community as second-class citizens by broadening the tax base for all businesses while only reducing rates for those organized as C corporations.  As a result, successful pass-through businesses would be subject to 45 percent top rates on a broader base of income – a double whammy coming just three years after the Fiscal Cliff hiked

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2019-02-01T19:56:25+00:00April 7, 2016|

Our Chairman’s New Year Message

2015 was a terrific year for the S Corporation Association.  We saw the shorter, five-year built-in gains recognition period made permanent, we organized the Main Street business community into a coherent advocacy force, and we successfully blocked misguided efforts to enact President Obama’s corporate-only tax reform plan.

For 2016, our goal is to build on these successes to ensure more legislative wins this year and beyond.

  • That means educating policymakers on how taxes on S corps already went up sharply in 2013 and working to enact legislation to repeal that tax hike.
  • It means building out our pass-through business coalition to ensure that

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2016-01-22T17:43:11+00:00January 22, 2016|

Big Week for S-Corp

It’s been a busy and productive week for team S-Corp!  First, we had two S-Corp representatives testifying before congressional committees on Wednesday. Second, with the Finance Committee working group comments due on April 15th, we made three separate submissions to the Business, Individual, and International working groups. And finally, as part of the working group submissions, we released the 2015 version of our “Pass Through” tax reform principles letter with 118 trade groups signing on!

Here’s a quick summary of each of these efforts.

S-Corp Testifies

In an S-Corp first, we had two witnesses testifying at congressional hearings on Tax Day.


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2019-02-01T20:00:10+00:00April 20, 2015|