Home/Tag: estate tax

Bailout Watch

The ongoing soap opera of the auto bailout continues, with Congress failing to find a means of balancing the needs of Detroit with the concerns of taxpayers and Senate Republicans. As a result, the bailout stalled in the Senate last week and the Administration appears poised to step in and use whatever authority it has — TARP, Treasury, Fed — to provide the companies with the liquidity necessary to survive into the New Year and the next Administration. A nice little Christmas present for the Obama economic team, indeed.

Whatever happens, what is clear is that the plight of Detroit will

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2019-02-06T17:22:36+00:00December 17, 2008|

Election Impact on S Corporations

We’ll write more about the election in coming months, but wanted to send out a quick summary of how the elections yesterday affect the S corporation community.

We’ve noted several times that President-elect Obama’s tax policies are not friendly to flow-through businesses. The combination of higher tax rates and a broader base has the potential to significantly increase the marginal and effective tax rates paid by S corporations.

One factor that may retard the push towards higher rates is the weakening economy. Now that the credit crisis appears to be under control, investors and businesses are faced with a classic cyclical slowdown

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2019-02-06T17:22:36+00:00November 5, 2008|

S Corporations and the Estate Tax

With a large fraction of the tax code expiring in the next couple of years, the big surprise may be the growing consensus for compromise over the estate tax. The estate tax is scheduled to go away in 2011 followed by its return in 2011 with a top rate of 55 percent and a $1 million exemption per spouse.

How did the estate tax, perhaps the most contentious and divisive of taxes, get to the head of the line of possible compromises? A couple of factors appear to be in play.

For legislators who support full repeal, the prospect of allowing the

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2019-02-06T18:06:08+00:00June 26, 2008|

More Details, Little Clarity on the Tax Front

Just to keep everybody up to speed, there are a couple recent tax items of note.

First, CongressDaily reports the House may take up yet another extender package prior to the Memorial Day recess. This package reportedly includes energy provisions as well as the expired extenders like R&E and the state and local sales tax deduction. An extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax “patch” does not appear to be under consideration.

Regarding the central issue of whether the revenue impact of the package will be offset by accompanying tax increases, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer

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2019-02-06T18:06:09+00:00May 8, 2008|

Small Business Week 2008

Washington loves small businesses, at least in its rhetoric.B April 20-26th was Small Business Week.B The annual event is devoted to recognizing the “determination and ingenuity of America’s workers and entrepreneurs who play a vital role in building a more prosperous future for our country.”

Since 1963, every President has declared National Small Business Week to formally recognize the important role of small businesses in America.

In a discussion with small business owners, President Bush argued that “every day ought to be Small Business Day in America” and that government’s role should be “to create an

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2019-02-06T18:06:09+00:00April 30, 2008|