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Main Street Business Community Supports Comprehensive Tax Reform

A coalition of more than forty Main Street business groups, including the S Corporation Association, the National Federation of Independent Business, the National Farm Bureau, the Restaurant Association, and the National Wholesalers Association, released a letter today calling on Congress to resist pressure to consider corporate-only tax reform.

As the letter states:

Every day, nearly 70 million Americans go to work at a firm organized as something other than a C corporation. These “flow-through” businesses, structured as S corporations, partnerships, LLCs, or sole proprietorships, represent 95 percent of all businesses and they contribute more to our national income and our job

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2019-02-01T20:08:24+00:00March 20, 2013|

Ryan on S-Corps and Taxes

Earlier this morning, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) cited from our Ernst & Young study to defend Main Street businesses. We had been in to see Chairman Ryan back during our annual Board meeting. Apparently, our message connected!

As the Chairman notes:

“We don’t think raising tax rates in 2013 is helping the economy today. Not only is the actual rate going to 39.6, when you take the other stuff that was in Obamacare and everything else, the effective marginal tax rate goes to 44.8 percent. Here is the problem: 54 percent of workers in America get their jobs from

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2019-02-01T20:48:05+00:00July 15, 2011|

Treasury Targets S Corporations, Flow-Throughs

A Bloomberg article from Friday morning has been flying around tax policy circles here in D.C. and elsewhere. From the article:

The Obama administration is seeking to widen the scope of its proposal to overhaul the corporate tax code, urging Congress to also change rules that allow some businesses to take advantage of tax laws governing individuals.

The article cites testimony by Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner earlier this year in which he advocated “revisiting” long-standing rules allowing businesses to choose to be taxed as S corporations or partnerships. According to Geithner:

“Congress has to revisit this basic question about whether it

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2019-02-01T20:48:06+00:00February 28, 2011|

President’s Budget Proposal Released Today

We don’t usually involve ourselves in spending debates but the President’s budget proposal came out this morning and, given the sea of red ink ahead, we thought a quick overview of the budget process and challenges ahead might be in order.

The President’s budget would reduce the deficit by $1.1 trillion over the next decade b- two-thirds from spending cuts and one-third from tax increases. The proposed budget would trim or terminate 200 federal programs within the next year, reduce Pentagon spending by $78 billion, freeze non-security discretionary spending for 5 years, and increase spending in education, transportation and energy and

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2019-02-01T20:48:06+00:00February 14, 2011|

The S-CORP Crystal Ball — Tax Writing-Committees in 2011

The Intrade Prediction Markets show Republicans have a 94 percent chance of taking the House today, but only a 42 percent chance of controlling the Senate. If Intrade is correct, what does that mean for the tax-writing committees?

House Ways and Means

Big changes in store here.Democrats maintain a 63 percent majority of the Committee (slightly better than their 59 percent majority in the House) -or 26 Democrats and 15 Republicans. If the House flips, we expect the committee ratios to flip as well, give or take a seat  – that means about 25 Republicans and 15 Democrats.

For Democrats,

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2019-02-04T15:47:03+00:00November 2, 2010|