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BBB Still Harmful to Main Street

Ken Kies is out with an excellent piece today that breaks down how bad of a deal the House-passed Build Back Better Act is for pass-through businesses. As the former Joint Committee on Taxation head explains, even though this latest bill abandons efforts to repeal the 199A deduction, the tax hikes that remain create an “extreme disparate treatment” for pass-throughs compared to C corporations.

Kies focuses on the House bill’s new surtaxes (5 percent on pass-through income over $10 million, and 8 percent over $25 million) and the expansion of the 3.8 percent Net Investment Income Tax. Together, these

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2021-11-22T18:49:13+00:00November 22, 2021|

Americans Oppose BBB: New Survey

The House is back and has its sights set on passing the multi-trillion-dollar tax and spending package known as the Build Back Better (BBB) Act. How do voters feel about a 2,400-page bill that targets Main Street businesses with $500 to $600 billion in higher taxes?  With lawmakers in a panic to advance the legislation, they evidently forgot to ask their constituents – so we did.

A new poll by the Winston Group asked 1,000 registered voters about the President’s agenda and its impact on their personal lives. The results reveal a serious disconnect between the goals of the Build

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2021-11-18T14:32:52+00:00November 18, 2021|

Biden Framework Still Targets Family Businesses

Note: the first table shown below has been modified to correct a previous error. 

A key aspect of the Biden “framework” under consideration in the House is how it targets family businesses with modest incomes through the discriminatory treatment of taxable trusts.

That’s because the rate hikes on trusts in the bill have income thresholds well below the headline levels that would apply to individuals.  These lower levels are an apparent attempt to discourage gaming, but they hit existing trusts that predate the new rules, as well as modestly-sized family businesses that are not the advertised targets of the new policy.

These S

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2021-11-29T17:32:09+00:00November 16, 2021|

Main Street Highlights Opposition to Framework

S-Corp joined with over 100 trade associations today in urging Congress to reject the White House’s Build Back Better framework, the latest version of Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar tax and spend plan.

This latest iteration replaces the many problematic tax hikes in previous drafts with new – but equally problematic – tax hikes, the sum of which would disproportionately hit Main Street businesses. Under this framework, the 21-percent tax rate on large multinational corporations remains unchanged while the top rate on Main Street businesses rises to over 50 percent!

Since the bill changes every day or two, it’s been difficult to highlight this

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2021-11-03T16:10:19+00:00November 3, 2021|

Forbes Highlights Hit to Pass-Throughs

Lynn Mucenski-Keck, a Partner at the accounting firm The Bonadio Group, has a fantastic piece in Forbes that makes the pass-through case against the framework’s tax increases.

“Pass-Through Owners Bear the Hit with Proposed Federal Tax Law Changes,” explains how a bill purportedly targeting billionaires and large corporations instead goes after Main Street businesses organized as pass-throughs. The excerpt below sums things up perfectly:

Unfortunately, when you follow the money, the picture starts to reveal that the taxpayers bearing the burden for the revenue are disproportionately pass-through entity owners, and not the large multinational companies and estates as many believed.

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2021-11-02T16:12:09+00:00November 2, 2021|