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Manchin a “No” on BBB

The Build Back Better (BBB) bill would have harmed family businesses, cost jobs, and accelerated the economic consolidation already taking place in this country.  It would have been a negative for those states and communities that rely on family businesses as the core of their economies and their social institutions. That’s why S-Corp and the Main Street Employers coalition have been fighting it for the past year.

And now it’s dead – or at least on life support.  Senator Joe Manchin announced this morning on Fox News that he would vote “no” on the BBB.  As he told Bret Baier:


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2021-12-19T19:14:17+00:00December 19, 2021|

S-Corp Joins SALT Parity Panel Discussion

Last week, S-Corp President Brian Reardon joined a panel discussion on our SALT Parity efforts. Hosted by Tax Analysts, the webinar sought to explain why these laws are necessary, who benefits, and what effect current proposals in Congress might have on them.

For those new to the issue, the SALT deduction cap imposed by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act put S corporations and partnerships at a competitive disadvantage – C corporations could continue to fully deduct their SALT as a business expense while pass-through business owners were subject

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2021-12-13T22:01:00+00:00December 13, 2021|

Family Businesses Targeted by BBB

Ways and Means Republicans held a panel discussion on the Build Back Better (BBB) Act’s impact on individually and family-owned businesses yesterday morning, and just in time.  Main Street is panicked over the possibility that the House-passed bill will be signed into law, and new numbers from EY demonstrate why.

The BBB would raise taxes on businesses organized as S corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships by more than $500 billion over ten years.

The BBB is advertised as going after only the very wealthy, but 81 percent of its individual tax

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2021-12-08T15:59:15+00:00December 8, 2021|

Another Reason Main Street Opposes the BBB

The House-passed Build Back Better Act represents an existential threat to many S corporations.  Not only would the bill raise their rates to the highest in the OECD, it would impose limitations to deducting their active business losses that are worse than those that apply to passive losses.  If your goal is to force all large pass-through businesses into the C corporation model, this is your bill.

On the rate front, the BBB makes no attempt to balance out the tax treatment of pass-through businesses with C corporations.  The bill’s new surtax and expanded NIIT, combined with the pending expiration

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2021-12-06T19:43:07+00:00December 6, 2021|

Winston on Build Back Better

The Biden Administration has attempted to sell its $2 trillion Build Back Better plan, including $540 billion in tax hikes on family businesses, as popular with voters.  That’s simply not true.

An op-ed published yesterday by David Winston in Roll Call makes this clear.  The results of his firm’s latest survey reveal a glaring disconnect between the goals of Build Back Better and the priorities of everyday Americans. As Winston writes:

Political leaders have to address the priorities of the electorate. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Biden is not just off message with Build Back Better, he’s off policy priorities;

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2021-12-02T18:07:47+00:00December 2, 2021|