Home/SALT Parity

S-Corp Supports MN SALT Parity

The Tax Committee of the Minnesota Senate held a hearing today to discuss legislation (S.F. 263) to restore the full SALT deduction for pass-through businesses. If adopted, Minnesota would become the eighth state to enact our SALT Parity reform.

Among the hearing’s witnesses was S-Corp’s own Tom Nichols, President at Milwaukee-based law firm Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols and author of the SALT Parity

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2021-03-05T18:47:00+00:00January 26, 2021|

New York Joins SALT Parity Effort

The good news on SALT Parity keeps rolling in. Just days after California’s Governor signaled his support, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo followed suit and included our pass-through SALT Parity language in his 2022 fiscal year budget proposal.

Since 2018, deductions on state and local taxes (SALT) paid by pass-through business owners have been capped at $10,000. C corporations, on the other hand, are allowed to fully deduct these same expenses. In those states that tax pass-through firms at the owner level, the disparate treatment puts them at a significant disadvantage compared to C corporations.

As S-Corp readers know, beginning

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2021-03-05T18:47:13+00:00January 21, 2021|

CA Governor’s Budget Includes SALT Parity

More good news on the pass-through SALT Parity front: California Gavin Newsom has included our SALT Parity proposal in his budget proposal for 2021.


This news comes on the heels of IRS Notice 2020-75 that confirmed our efforts and made clear to states and businesses that they could adopt SALT Parity legislation without worrying about future regulatory actions.


Seven states have adopted our reform to date (Connecticut, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Maryland). Helped by this announcement, we expect that more than a dozen states will join California in taking up SALT Parity legislation this year. It is

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2021-03-05T18:47:18+00:00January 18, 2021|

The 2020 Elections and their Implications for Private Businesses

Are you a fan of the Progressive Insurance commercials making fun of mismanaged Zoom calls? Then you’ll love the blank Zoom screen for the first 10 minutes of our most recent S-Corp Member call covering the 2020 election results and what they mean for private companies.  You can access the full video here.  You can access the slide deck here.

We’re biased, obviously, but we think it’s well worth watching, particularly the portion focused on what companies can expect moving forward, as well as the BIG news (covered at the

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2020-11-11T20:55:55+00:00November 11, 2020|

Treasury Blesses SALT Parity Reform

Huge news out of Treasury yesterday – the Department has blessed our SALT Parity reforms.  You can read the full Notice here.  As Law360 reports:

BREAKING: Treasury To Say Pass-through SALT Workarounds OK

State and local taxes imposed at the entity level on pass-through entities are permitted as a deduction and this “is consistent with the longstanding position” of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service the agencies said Monday.

This announcement comes on the heels of the election results that have all but eliminated any remaining uncertainty about the value of

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2020-11-13T15:23:55+00:00November 10, 2020|