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Webinar Replay: What do Voters Really Think About the Biden Tax Plan?

On July 22, the S Corporation Association hosted a webinar showcasing a recent survey that asked voters about President Biden’s tax plan. The results were eye-opening and revealed a remarkable lack of support for the President’s agenda, especially those policies targeted at individually- and family-owned businesses. On hand to discuss the findings was David Winston, whose firm research and polling firm, The Winston Group, conducted the survey.

A summary of the results is available here.

To view a recording of the webinar, please click below:


2021-07-28T12:54:43+00:00July 27, 2021|

Biden’s Tax Hikes are Unpopular and Congress Knows It

The Gazette features an op-ed by S Corporation Association President Brian Reardon on how Americans really feel about raising taxes on individually- and family-owned businesses and farms:

The Senate needs to decide how to pay for the massive, $3.5 trillion spending plan announced last week, but according to a Punchbowl News poll, only 37% of congressional staffers believe it is likely Congress will pass a tax bill by the end of 2022. Among Democratic staffers, just half think it is likely.

 Why so pessimistic? Maybe because Biden’s tax plans aren’t popular with voters. Contrary to what the White House might tell you,

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2021-07-28T13:13:47+00:00July 23, 2021|

More on the Wyden 199A Bill

S-Corp has had 24 hours to digest the Section 199A bill introduced by Senator Wyden yesterday, and the more we look, the less we like it.  Here are some additional thoughts:

Not an Expansion

Wyden’s office says the bill would raise $147 billion over ten years.  That is a large tax hike in anybody’s book, but you wouldn’t know that reading the media coverage, where the bill has largely been framed as an “expansion” of Section 199A, not a roll-back. For example, here’s Law360:

Sen. Ron Wyden introduced a bill Tuesday that would let owners of service businesses, like law firms and

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2021-07-28T13:13:37+00:00July 22, 2021|

Wyden Bill Targets Main Street

Last month, over 100 trade associations voiced their strong opposition to changes to the Section 199A pass-through deduction. Their message was clear: now, more than ever, businesses across the country are relying on Section 199A to stay afloat.

Despite this broad opposition, Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden today announced that he was pressing ahead with a bill to phase out the deduction for taxpayers with incomes over $400,000, while eliminating it altogether for those with incomes exceeding $500,000.

Section 199A offers business owners a 20-percent deduction on their qualified business income, but the benefit is phased out for “specified service” trade

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2021-07-21T11:45:40+00:00July 21, 2021|

Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 12 – “That Pepto Bismol Moment”

Our latest podcast guest is Ryan Ellis, President of the Center for a Free Economy and an IRS enrolled agent. Ryan gives us his take on a proposal to increase IRS funding and create new bank reporting requirements, recent “tax gap” estimates, and the fate of the $3.5 trillion budget agreement unveiled earlier in the week.

This episode of Talking Taxes in a Truck was recorded on July 14, 2021, and runs 26 minutes long.

2021-07-15T17:27:30+00:00July 15, 2021|