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So far admin has created 576 blog entries.

The C SALT Loophole

Last month, the Bipartisan Policy Center put forward some suggestions on how to address the pending sunset of the State and Local Tax (SALT) cap, including rolling back the pass-through “SALT Parity” laws we helped enact in 36 states.  A couple of thoughts.

Pass-Through Parity

First, the SALT cap played a big role in our efforts to ensure pass-through businesses were treated fairly under the TCJA.  The SALT cap raises huge amounts of revenue ($100 billion-plus per year) and about 20-30 percent of that is paid on pass-through income.  For comparison, that’s about half the total revenue impact of the

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2025-01-16T19:22:08+00:00January 16, 2025|

CTA Update | January 16, 2025

Notable Developments

  1. S-Corp files amicus with SCOTUS
  2. Main Street backs repeal bill
  3. Second injunction issued

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SCOTUS Review Should Compel Administrative Relief

Last week the S Corporation Association filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court urging retention of the nationwide injunction against the CTA. The brief was one of more than a dozen filed by the state attorneys general, trade associations, and other stakeholders, all of which can be accessed here.

With millions of affected businesses watching, now would be a perfect time for the incoming Trump administration to announce it will administratively delay filing under the CTA, thus

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2025-01-16T18:57:07+00:00January 16, 2025|

199A Permanence Dominates Tax Hearing

The House Ways & Means Committee today kicked off the new Congress with a hearing focused on the family and business provisions included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But the topic that took center stage is one that’s near and dear to the hearts of millions of Main Street businesses nationwide – addressing the looming expiration of the Section 199A deduction.

The panel first heard testimony from Michelle Gallagher, an S-Corp Advisor and accountant with decades of experience serving individual and family-owned businesses (and who can be seen sporting our “I Love 199A pin!”).

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2025-01-14T21:33:21+00:00January 14, 2025|

Main Street 199A Resources

In the past, we’ve posted all the studies, data, and other information we’d compiled in support of the 199A deduction (here and here).

With Congress debating the deduction once more – Ways and Means hearing tomorrow! – we thought this would be a good time to repost all this work.  It demonstrates both the importance of the pass-through sector to the economy and the importance of Section 199A to the pass-through sector.

The Importance of 199A

Our recent study by EY’s Robert Carroll demonstrates how the 199A deduction is vital to Main Street parity. The key takeaway is summed

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2025-01-13T20:59:27+00:00January 13, 2025|

Big Beautiful Bill(s)

Only a couple of days into the new Congress and they’re ready to throw hands!

The Chairman’s frustration is justified. The obsession with process over policy is getting old. As Senator Bob Dole used to say, you should talk about your accomplishments, policies, and facts first.  If you don’t have any of those, then fall back on process. “You can always talk about process.” Focusing on process exclusively shifts attention away from the underlying policies and their real-world consequences for Main Street and elsewhere.

It’s also a waste of time.  At the

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2025-01-08T17:32:36+00:00January 8, 2025|