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So far admin has created 577 blog entries.

Fiscal Cliff Gets Renewed Focus

In a sign that lawmakers are not content simply waiting until next year to address a litany of scheduled tax hikes, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith yesterday announced a series of “tax teams” tasked with identifying legislative solutions to avert the 2025 fiscal cliff.

Ten groups in total, each comprised of at least give Republicans from the panel, will address a specific policy area, from manufacturing to global competitiveness.

The team that caught our eye will focus on Main Street, and is appropriately led by Congressman Lloyd Smucker (PA), a staunch ally of the pass-through business community and

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2024-04-25T13:43:13+00:00April 25, 2024|

Support CTA Relief

The House Small Business Committee is holding a hearing on the Corporate Transparency Act later this month. One witness will be Carol Roth, a bestselling author and small business advocate who has helped lead the charge against the poorly crafted law.

We’ve covered the CTA at length over the past few years but the bottom line is that while reporting under the CTA started already and the deadline is the year’s end, only a tiny percentage of the targeted 33.6 million small businesses even know it exists. That’s bad because a failure to file is accompanied by thousands

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2024-04-16T20:48:03+00:00April 16, 2024|

Main Street on the Hill

S-Corp and its friends at the National Federation of Independent Business hosted a Tax Day briefing for Hill staff and other stakeholders yesterday. The topic: the massive tax hikes threatening Main Street at the end of 2025.

As readers know, the expiration of the Section 199A deduction coupled with significant increases in the marginal rates paid by the 95 percent of businesses nationwide is a significant challenge facing Main Street and Congress next year. We know Congress is going to have to act, and we know the issues in play are new

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2024-04-16T17:01:05+00:00April 16, 2024|

199A Takes Center Stage

As we wrote earlier this week, it’s a busy April for tax policy. The packed agenda kicked off Tuesday with a hearing at the House Small Business Committee entitled, “Exploring the Adverse Effects of High Taxes and a Complex Tax Code.” It was the perfect opportunity to highlight the tax priorities that are top of mind for the Main Street business community and did not disappoint.

The hearing had a number of high points but we’ll flag just a few, starting with witness Raymond Huff, President of HJB Convenience Corporation based in Denver, CO.

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2024-04-12T15:43:11+00:00April 12, 2024|

CTA Heat

Last week the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) – along with more than 50 of its state societies and affiliates – once again called on federal regulators to delay implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act.

The letter is a scathing indictment of the new reporting regime and centers on the widespread confusion among the small business community when it comes to understanding their compliance obligations.  It reads, in part:

In numerous letters to FinCEN through the BOI rulemaking process and as recently as October of last year, we raised concerns regarding the constricted timeline for the small business community

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2024-04-10T19:05:32+00:00April 10, 2024|