Just in time for the fiscal cliff battle, the S-Corp Mobile App lets users see detailed employment data on pass-through businesses in their states and congressional districts, all on your phone and at the push of a button.

The goal here is to arm our allies and key stakeholders with the information they need as we head into the 2025 fiscal cliff battle. Backed by data from EY, the app provides advocates with state- and district-level data on just how many jobs S corporations, partnerships, sole props, and LLCs provide. It’s a stark reminder that these businesses supply the majority of private-sector jobs in America and have the most to lose with the looming expiration of Section 199A and other key tax provisions.

The app is available for download at the Apple App Store and on Google Play via the links below:

Whether you’re meeting with your elected officials or just want to learn more about the importance of the pass-through businesses to your community, this app ensures the information you need is at your fingertips.