Home/Tag: Treasury

Using Pass-Throughs to Pay for Corporate Reform

Tax Notes has an article that pours more gasoline on the fire started by Bloomberg and the Geithner-led Treasury Department last weeks.

The piece, written by Martin Sullivan, argues that pass-through treatment of some firms “erodes” the corporate tax base and concludes:

In the meantime, corporate tax reformers are left in the awkward position of trying to improve a fundamentally unsound tax. If we broaden the corporate tax base by trimming tax incentives (for example, accelerated depreciation), should those same tax incentives be trimmed for passthrough entities? Many would like to keep tax reform confined to the corporate sector. But politics

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2019-02-01T20:48:06+00:00March 1, 2011|

The Skinny on the Jobs Bill

So we’re still trying to figure out what happened between Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon last week.

On Thursday morning, the Senate Finance Committee released an $84 billion “Jobs” bill draft with all the expected items included — jobs provisions, tax extenders, unemployment and COBRA extensions, etc.

That same afternoon, Senator Reid rejected that approach and offered a “skinny” $15 billion bill instead. He called up the House-passed Jobs bill, offered his skinny package as an amendment, filled the amendment tree, and filed cloture on the new package. The skinny bill includes the Schumer-Hatch payroll tax credit, Section 179 expensing relief, Build

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2019-02-06T17:21:00+00:00February 18, 2010|

IRS Issues Guidance on S Corporation Rules and Definitions

Yesterday, the IRS released a set of proposed regulations to clarify S corporation family shareholder rules as well as definitions of “powers of appointment” and “potential current beneficiaries” of ESBTs. Changes were also made to Treasury regulations in accordance with the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996.

The IRS is encouraging public comments on these changes, which must be submitted to the IRS for review by Dec. 27, 2007. A hearing to discuss the proposed regulations is currently scheduled for Jan. 16, 2008 at 10:00am. Comments,

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00September 28, 2007|