Home/Tag: tax relief

Stimulus Deal Announced

As the news reported over the last couple of days, Administration and House leaders have agreed to a package of temporary tax relief to provide the economy with fiscal stimulus. As reported, the package would reduce revenues by about $150 billion over ten years. The major provisions are:

  • Rebate checks (tied to a temporary cut in the 10% tax bracket) to families – $600 for singles making less than $75,000 and $1,200 for couples earning less than $150,000.
  • Fifty percent bonus depreciation for business investment through the end of 2008.
  • An increase in small business expensing (section 179) from $125,000 to $250,000.
2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 25, 2007|

Minimum Wage & Small Business Tax Package Update

Just a quick update on the status of the $8 billion small business tax package that may accompany the proposed minimum wage increase. The bill is currently the pending business in the Senate. On Monday, Majority Leader Harry Reid filed a petition to close off the debate and pass just the minimum wage increase, without any offsetting small business tax relief. This vote is scheduled to take place momentarily.

The consensus is that Senator Reid doesn’t have the 60 votes necessary to move the minimum wage package without the offsetting business tax relief, and the vote is being characterized as part

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2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 24, 2007|

Finance Reports Out Small Business Tax Relief

In a bit of potential good news for small businesses, the Senate Finance Committee today adopted by voice vote an $8 billion package of small business tax incentives to accompany a planned increase in the minimum wage. Included in the package is a one year extension of the current Section 179 small business expensing limits, an extension of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit through 2012, and an extension of the shorter, 15-year depreciation lives for certain owner-occupied buildings. For S Corps, the package includes an entire title of big and small

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2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 17, 2007|

Finance Holds Small Business Tax Relief Hearing — S CORP Submits Testimony

Today, the Chairman of the S Corporation Association Advisory Committee, James Redpath, submitted testimony on S Corp reform to the Senate Committee on Finance. The Senate Finance Committee held the hearing on small business tax relief as part of its preparation for Senate consideration of the minimum wage increase. As Jim pointed out in his testimony:

I am concerned that many of the companies that will bear the impact of this increase in labor costs are closely-held or family-owned businesses structured as Subchapter S corporations. My goal is to provide you with

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2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 10, 2007|

A New Congress Brings New Tax Writers

Last week marked the swearing-in of all new Members of Congress and the official change in control of the House and Senate from Republican to Democratic hands. House Democrats elected Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Speaker of the House and Senate Democrats elected Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority Leader.

On the Republican side, leadership was also elected - Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is the Minority Leader of the House and Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) is Minority Whip – final committee assignments were also announced. Republican members filled the remaining two vacancies on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee with Reps. Patrick Tiberi

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2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 9, 2007|