Home/Tag: tax relief

2008 Tax Forecast

While everyone else is predicting the presidential primaries, we thought we’d take a look at the forecast for tax policy in Congress this year.

The usual refrain for a presidential election year is that all the real policy issues are pushed aside in favor of posturing for the election and the following session of Congress.

While we expect to see lots of posturing, there are two reasons why some real tax work might get done this year, namely, the deteriorating economy and the expiration of the R&E tax credit and other tax extenders.

Nearly all of the Presidential candidates have put forward a

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2019-02-06T18:43:58+00:00January 16, 2008|

Rangel to Propose Corporate Rate Cut

The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel will likely introduce his “Mother of All Tax Bills” this week, a proposal marrying the repeal of the individual AMT with a cut in the top corporate rate to 30 or 31 percent.

How is he going to offset the revenue loss of all this tax relief? Here’s what we’re hearing:

  • Rate Increase on Upper Income Taxpayers;
  • Eliminate the Manufacturing Deduction;
  • Change the Rules Allocating Expenses on International Income;
  • Repeal LIFO (!);
  • Raise Tax Rates on Publicly Traded Partnerships and Hedge Funds.


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2019-02-06T18:44:36+00:00October 23, 2007|

Tax Bill Offset Tally

To simplify tracking of the various tax bills under consideration by Congress, we’ve put together a chart of what’s moving and what’s being discussed, including separate tax bills on the AMT, energy production, education, housing, family tax relief, children’s health insurance, and international tax provisions.

As you can see, the total cost of the bills contemplated could exceed $1 trillion (!) over ten years. That’s a lot of offsets for Congress to generate, which suggests many of these bills will be delayed and/or scrapped as Congress weighs the benefits of action

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2019-02-06T18:44:38+00:00June 11, 2007|

Small Business Tax Package Agreement

Late Friday evening, House and Senate tax writers announced they had come to an agreement on the Small Business Tax Package to accompany an increase in the minimum wage. While this package is destined to join the current Iraq Supplemental and get vetoed by the President, the expectation is that the package will then be included in the subsequent supplement spending bill that should get signed into law. As BNA reports:

The package, the culmination of several weeks of impasse in reconciling vastly different House and Senate packages followed by a short spurt of negotiations, will be included in the supplemental

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2019-02-06T18:44:38+00:00April 23, 2007|

AMT Legislative Forecast

While Congress is considering numerous changes to the Tax Code, the 800 pound gorilla in tax policy these days is the projected growth of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and what exactly Congress plans to do about it. A couple of news items this week do an excellent job of setting the table for what might happen.

According to the New York Times,

      Between now and the end of May, House Democratic leaders hope to draft a permanent overhaul of the tax that would effectively exclude anyone who earns less

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2019-02-06T18:46:05+00:00April 13, 2007|