Home/Tag: tax reform

Tax Relief Grows in Proposed Stimulus

Congress is back and ready to legislate. First out of the box will be the long-anticipated economic stimulus package. Unlike previous efforts, the current push has the benefit of support from leadership in the House, Senate, and the new Administration, so we expect a sizable package to reach the President’s desk prior to the February recess.

What exactly will the package include? Details are being negotiated right now but the broad outline remains the same — a large package of spending on infrastructure, relief to cash-strapped states in the form of increased federal Medicaid payments, and tax relief to businesses and

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2019-02-06T17:22:36+00:00January 5, 2009|

Busy Week in Washington

Lots of activity on tax policy with implications for S corporations this week.

On Monday, the White House held a forum on the expiring tax relief and its potential to hurt the economy if it is not extended. In preparation for the forum, Treasury issued a collection of issue summaries that focus on the importance of keeping tax rates low, including the top two individual tax rates most in danger of going up in the next Congress.

As friends of S-Corp know, the debate over the

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2019-02-06T18:06:08+00:00June 5, 2008|

House Passes Marginal Tax Increase

Foreshadowing things to come, the House on Thursday adopted legislation to increase Veterans education benfits by raising marginal tax rates on individuals – including S corporation shareholders – making $500,000 a year or more. As Congress Daily reported:

“The House, as one portion of a three-part war funding supplemental spending package, approved a provision that would pay for a four-year college degree at any public university for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for at least three years. To pay for the increase — $52 billion over 10 years — the House Thursday voted to impose a 0.47 percent

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2019-02-06T18:06:08+00:00May 16, 2008|

Stimulating S Corporations

S Corporation Association Chairman Richard Roderick weighed in on behalf of S corporations yesterday regarding the second stimulus package being developed in the House. In a letter to Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia VelC!zquez, Roderick argued that any bill moving through Congress should include assistance to S Corporations.

In particular, the letter advocates for relief from the built in gains tax (BIG) that forces so many S corporations to sit on appreciated assets that could be put to better use. As the letter states:

“According to government statistics, hundreds of thousands of S corporations

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2019-02-06T18:06:09+00:00May 2, 2008|

Peering into the Future of Tax Policy

We’ve been asked to gaze into our crystal ball and see what the future of tax policy looks like. For S Corporations, it looks a lot like when the Ghost of Christmas Future popped in to see Ebenezer Scrooge. Nothing has been etched in stone yet, but it’s still not a pretty picture of things to come.

On the macro level, three factors are going to frame the tax policy debate in the next Congress:

1. All the tax relief enacted in 2001 and 2003 expires at the end of 2010. Unless Congress takes action, tax rates on individuals and flow-through businesses,

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2019-02-06T18:43:57+00:00February 25, 2008|