Home/Tag: Tax Policy

S Corps Everywhere!

You couldn’t swing a dead cat in Washington last week and not hit somebody busy touting the benefits of S corporations to the American economy, job creation, and retirement security. First, the President highlighted S corporations while defending his record on tax policy at a news conference last week :

I believe if the Democrats had the capacity to, they would raise taxes on the working people. That’s what I believe. They’ll call it tax on the rich, but that’s not the way it works in Washington, see. For example, running up the top income tax bracket would tax small businesses.

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2019-02-06T18:47:19+00:00September 22, 2006|

New Congressional Budget Doesn’t Protect Tax Relief

There are two ways to pass a tax bill in the Senate: bring it up under the regular floor rules and gain the support of 60 Senators, or bring it up under the “budget reconciliation” process and attain the support of a simple majority. The budget offered by Senate Budget Chair Judd Gregg last week assumes $227 billion in lower taxes over the next five years, but doesn’t protect that tax relief under reconciliation.

What does that mean for S-CORP members?

It means that any tax bill brought to the Senate floor that conforms to the budget resolution would still

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2019-02-06T18:47:20+00:00March 14, 2006|