Home/Tag: tax liability

Death Tax Compromise Talks in Senate

At the Finance Committee markup last week on the Agriculture bill, Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) offered an amendment to make permanent changes to the estate tax.

The Kyl amendment would have created a new framework for future estate tax levies with a $5 million unified exemption (per spouse) and a two-tiered rate system: capital gains rates for estates up to $25 million and 30 percent rates for estates above $25 million.

In exchange for Senator Kyl withdrawing his amendment, Finance Committee Chairman Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) promised to hold hearings on the estate tax later this year followed by a markup of

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00October 11, 2007|

S-CORP Marked Key Legislative Successes in 2005, Though Major Battles Loom in 2006

With Congress finally home for the holidays, S-CORP has begun to focus on its 2006 agenda. Before we embark on the year ahead, however, we wanted to take a moment to recap for member companies some of our 2005 milestones. The year was extremely active and largely positive for S-CORP and our members. Among the most noteworthy developments we marked were:

  • Blocking Proposed Payroll Tax Hikes on S Corp Shareholders

As members recall, we began the year with a very real threat to S corporations in the form of two proposals - one from the Treasury Department and another from

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2019-02-06T18:48:17+00:00December 30, 2005|