Home/Tag: tax hike

Payroll Tax Hike Taken Up in the Senate

The Senate began debate on the bloated tax extender package today. The House passed its version 215-204 shortly before leaving for the Memorial Day recess on May 28th.

That vote was supposed to take place earlier in May, leaving time for the Senate to take action, but opposition to the tax hikes and higher deficits called for in the bill delayed consideration until the Leadership was able to cobble together the votes. As a result, the Senate had already left town and is just now taking up the bill today.

Regarding the schedule, Senator Reid faces a tight window to get the

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2019-02-06T17:20:59+00:00June 8, 2010|

S-CORP Marked Key Legislative Successes in 2005, Though Major Battles Loom in 2006

With Congress finally home for the holidays, S-CORP has begun to focus on its 2006 agenda. Before we embark on the year ahead, however, we wanted to take a moment to recap for member companies some of our 2005 milestones. The year was extremely active and largely positive for S-CORP and our members. Among the most noteworthy developments we marked were:

  • Blocking Proposed Payroll Tax Hikes on S Corp Shareholders

As members recall, we began the year with a very real threat to S corporations in the form of two proposals - one from the Treasury Department and another from

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2019-02-06T18:48:17+00:00December 30, 2005|