Home/Tag: tax extenders

Senate Passes AMT

The United States Senate last evening passed a one-year extension of the so-called AMT patch – a higher AMT exemption to protect 20 million or so taxpayers from being subjected to the AMT on April 15th. This bill did not include any offsets and it did not include any additional extenders, either.

Senate Republicans, as well as some Democrats – including Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus – have observed that, since much of the revenue collected by the AMT is accidental and was not intended by Congress, it is nonsensical to insist that protecting taxpayers from the tax should be offset

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2019-02-06T18:43:58+00:00December 7, 2007|

The End is Near (of the First Session)

Congress returns Monday with lots to do and just three weeks to do it. Here’s the list of must-pass items we’ve identified:

  • AMT Patch
  • Tax Extenders (Including the S Corporation Charitable Provision)
  • S-CHIP Reauthorization
  • All the Spending Bills
  • Increase Doctor Payments under Medicare

That’s enough to fill two months of session, let alone 21 days, but there’s more. In addition to these items that most observers agree must get done, there is also a long list of priorities that the majority would like to address before they go home for the holidays, including an energy bill, an agriculture bill, and more.

How will it all work out?

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2019-02-06T18:43:58+00:00November 28, 2007|

More Details on the Rangel Tax Bill

At a members briefing this evening, Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel outlined his “Mother of All Tax Bills” to the Committee membership. In essence, he outlined three separate bills that he will introduce in one package:

– A bill to repeal the individual AMT and provide tax benefits for low income families; A bill to extend for one year a group of tax provisions scheduled to expire at the end of 2007, including the temporary AMT “patch”; and
– A bill to cut the corporate tax rate down to 30.5 percent.

As S-Corp readers know, the tax benefits from these three

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2019-02-06T18:44:36+00:00October 24, 2007|

Lessons from the Failed Senate Energy Tax Package

As reported in the press, last week the Senate failed to add a sizable energy tax package to its comprehensive energy bill prior to adoption.

The Senate voted 57-36 not to end debate (60 votes are needed) on the tax package that was offered as an amendment to the broader energy bill. This vote fell short despite the fact the Finance Committee reported the package out by a bipartisan vote of 15-5 vote just a few days earlier.

While the package itself has little directly affecting S corporations, there are a couple lessons to draw from the challenge Senate leadership is having

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00June 29, 2007|


Real quick, here’s what we’re hearing on the prospects of tax legislation moving when Congress returns next week:

Congressmen Hastert, Boehner, and Thomas are gathering today to decide what the House tax bill should look like. As we’ve previously reported, the best guess is a narrow bill that extends for a couple years expiring tax provisions like the R&D tax credit, together with some non-controversial trade proposals. Targeted provisions outside the usual extenders may get included, but that’s not clear right now.

On the Senate side, the limiting factor appears to be whatever can get adopted by voice vote. With the Senate

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2019-02-06T18:47:18+00:00December 1, 2006|