Home/Tag: tax extenders

Tax Policy and Small Business

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reviewed the most recent comments by Senator Barack Obama regarding his plans for tax policy.

As we noted in the past, the bias is for higher tax rates beginning sometime in the next Congress. This bias stems from the make-up of Congress and the scheduled expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and exists regardless of who becomes President.

That said, the S corporation community should pay particular attention to some of the proposals put forward by the Obama campaign - specifically, his plan to raise marginal tax rates

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2019-02-06T18:06:07+00:00September 12, 2008|

Happy 50th, S Corps!

Today marks the 50th birthday of the S corporation! As you can imagine, here at the S Corporation Association we’ve got the cake and candles ready.

Perhaps more importantly, at a time of economic and political uncertainty, the story of the S corporation and its role in making the American economy more diverse and flexible is worth reviewing.

The S corporation was born at a time when the economy was slowing, Americans were losing their jobs, and an unpopular Republican President was being accused of practicing “trickle-down economics” by a Democratic Congress.

President Eisenhower embraced the S corporation — originally an idea proposed

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2019-02-06T18:06:07+00:00September 2, 2008|

S-Corp Supports Small Business Tax Modernization Act

More good news for S Corps! Congresswoman Nydia VelC!zquez, Chairwoman of the House Small Business Committee, introduced legislation last week “the Small Business Tax Modernization Act of 2008” that includes many provisions with the potential to benefit the S corporation community.

Of particular interest to S corporations, the bill would allow nonresident aliens to invest in S corporations. This restriction, developed half a century ago, prohibits S corporations from partnering with investors in other countries. Lifting this restriction would enhance an S corporation’s ability to access new sources of capital, which will in turn help generate new investment and job creation

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2019-02-06T18:06:07+00:00July 29, 2008|

Broad Business Coalition Supports BIG Relief

There are increased reports in the media about a potential stimulus package to be considered when Congress returns in September (here and here). If Congress does consider another stimulus package and wants to target help at the small business community, it should act to increase the ability of S corporations to access the capital they already own.

A broad and powerful coalition of 14 trade associations is asking Congress to do just that. A letter sent

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2019-02-06T18:06:07+00:00July 23, 2008|

S Corporations and the Estate Tax

With a large fraction of the tax code expiring in the next couple of years, the big surprise may be the growing consensus for compromise over the estate tax. The estate tax is scheduled to go away in 2011 followed by its return in 2011 with a top rate of 55 percent and a $1 million exemption per spouse.

How did the estate tax, perhaps the most contentious and divisive of taxes, get to the head of the line of possible compromises? A couple of factors appear to be in play.

For legislators who support full repeal, the prospect of allowing the

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2019-02-06T18:06:08+00:00June 26, 2008|