Home/Tag: tax extenders

Payroll Tax Hikes Back On The Agenda

Last week, the S corporation community was put on high alert when we received word that an S corporation payroll tax increase similar to the provision from the old Rangel Mother bill (H.R. 3970) was being discussed as an offset to the extender package. The “Mother” provision (see Sec. 1211) would apply payroll taxes to all the service-related income of active shareholders of S corporations primarily engaged in service businesses. While we anticipate that the language of any new provision will differ somewhat from its 2007 predecessor, the general concept remains the same. As CongressDaily

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2019-02-06T17:21:00+00:00April 27, 2010|

The Skinny on the Jobs Bill

So we’re still trying to figure out what happened between Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon last week.

On Thursday morning, the Senate Finance Committee released an $84 billion “Jobs” bill draft with all the expected items included — jobs provisions, tax extenders, unemployment and COBRA extensions, etc.

That same afternoon, Senator Reid rejected that approach and offered a “skinny” $15 billion bill instead. He called up the House-passed Jobs bill, offered his skinny package as an amendment, filled the amendment tree, and filed cloture on the new package. The skinny bill includes the Schumer-Hatch payroll tax credit, Section 179 expensing relief, Build

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2019-02-06T17:21:00+00:00February 18, 2010|

Jobs Bill on Senate Floor Next Week

Senate leadership has committed to taking up a Jobs bill next week. The details of the package are still being worked out, but the list released by the Senate Democrats includes:

  • Job Creation tax credit
  • UI and Cobra Extensions
  • Bonus depreciation and 179 expensing
  • Highway funding
  • Build America Bonds
  • SBA loans
  • Export Promotion
  • Some energy related tax items

Although it’s not mentioned, we do expect the tax extenders to also be part on the mix. On the other hand, an estate tax fix is not likely to be included. Senator Reid told reporters that he still plans to move legislation restoring the estate tax,

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2019-02-06T17:21:00+00:00February 5, 2010|

Senate Jobs Bill First Out of the Chute

With health care reform in a state of political limbo, Senate leadership is busy assembling a job-creation package that is likely to be the chamber’s next significant legislative effort.

Just before Christmas recess, the House hastily assembled and adopted a $154 billion spending package. In response, the Senate Finance Committee is working on a package that focuses more on tax relief than the House counterpart. As reported by Dow Jones:

The package would be paid for largely by re-directing funds that were available for the government’s bank bailout program, according

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2019-02-06T17:21:55+00:00January 26, 2010|

Items Remaining on the Congressional “To-Do” List

Friends of ours who follow Congress have begun quoting the old country and western song, “How Can I Miss You If You Won’t Go Away?” With Christmas less than two weeks away, Members of Congress would like to leave soon, but a long list of to-do items still stands in the way:
  • Health Care Reform: Majority Leader Reid is still pressing to get the Senate bill finished before Congress leaves for the New Year. He still might make it, but the odds against him are climbing rapidly.
  • Government Funding: Congress passed a batch of

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2019-02-06T17:21:55+00:00December 15, 2009|