Home/Tag: tax code

Congress Returns

Congress came back from its August break this week and is picking up right where it left off, struggling with the question of what to do with the Alternative Minimum Tax and examining how to appropriately tax the carried interest earned by hedge fund managers and other general partners.

These questions are connected, obviously, in that addressing the AMT will be very expensive while raising the tax rates on carried interest would presumably raise lots of revenue. That’s one reason why both the Ways and Means and

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00September 7, 2007|

Debate Over Taxing Hedge Funds

Under the category of “We Told You So,” yesterday’s CongressDaily includes an analysis by Martin Vaughn that makes a point similar to the theme of our last Wire – that the debate over how to tax hedge funds is just the beginning of the debate over how to define and tax all sorts of income from ownership. Here’s how Martin sees it:

Forget Blackstone. Many smart people on both sides of the argument over whether to raise taxes on private equity and hedge fund managers’ profits see this as a proxy debate for whether the tax code should

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00July 20, 2007|

AMT Plan Imminent — House & Senate Moving in Different Directions

The Ways & Means held a hearing yesterday on the Alternative Minimum Tax. While there is broad consensus in the tax world that the AMT is broken, there is little common ground on exactly how to go about fixing it. To date, Congress and the Administration have confined their efforts to temporary, one or two year “patches” that raised the AMT exemption just enough to limit the growth of AMT taxpayers. The current higher exemption runs through 2006, however, so Congress needs to act in the next

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2019-02-06T18:46:05+00:00March 8, 2007|

Minimum Wage & Small Business Tax Package Update

Just a quick update on the status of the $8 billion small business tax package that may accompany the proposed minimum wage increase. The bill is currently the pending business in the Senate. On Monday, Majority Leader Harry Reid filed a petition to close off the debate and pass just the minimum wage increase, without any offsetting small business tax relief. This vote is scheduled to take place momentarily.

The consensus is that Senator Reid doesn’t have the 60 votes necessary to move the minimum wage package without the offsetting business tax relief, and the vote is being characterized as part

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2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 24, 2007|

Proposed Tax Increase on S Corp Exporters!

Just before breaking for the November elections, the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees introduced their tax technical corrections bills (H.R. 6264 & S. 4026) to fix errors and ambiguities in the tax code. The bills are open to review and comment through October 31st, with the expectation that they will be adopted by Congress and sent to the President during the final weeks of this Congress.


One provision included in both bills would increase from 15 percent to 35 percent the tax rate on qualified export income for small business exporters!  This provision is not a technical

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2019-02-06T18:47:19+00:00October 12, 2006|