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S Corps Wary of Tax Gap Report and Hunt for Revenue Offsets

This week Congress winds up legislative business so that Members can go home and campaign for re-election. Following Election Day, both the House and the Senate will come back for a “Lame Duck” session of Congress. Depending upon the results of the election, it could be a very interesting session.

During the recess, S-CORP will continue educating congressional staff promoting and building support for the pro-S Corp bills introduced this Congress. If there’s an opportunity to include any of these provisions on moving legislation in the Lame Duck session, we want to be prepared!

Also of interest to S-CORP members, this week

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2019-02-06T18:47:19+00:00September 29, 2006|

State Update and IRS Issues S Corp Rules

As S-CORP members will recall, S-CORP has been monitoring a number of states considering tax bills that will adversely affect S corporations. We were fortunate to lay the groundwork in Pennsylvania in working with others to Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.
S corporations fared better in Pennsvylania when, following the recommendation for a new entity-level tax in that state, S-CORP and others lobbied to reject proposed tax hikes on S corporations. Following active communications with the Rendell office, S-CORP scored a major victory when Rendell announced in February 2005 that his budget proposal would not embrace new taxes on S corporations. Rendell

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2019-02-06T18:48:18+00:00May 24, 2005|