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S Corp News Clips

Family Business Valuation under Attack?

In a development that could harm valuations of S corporations and other family-owned businesses, the Treasury Department appears poised to issue guidance limiting discounts under section 2704. Such action has been hinted at for a while, but people began to pay real attention following comments from Catherine Hughes, head of Estate and Gift Tax Attorney-Advisor at Treasury, before the ABA’s Estate Planning breakfast back in April.

It’s not exactly clear what the Treasury has in mind, but Hughes referred the ABA audience to proposals the Administration included in their annual budget offerings prior to 2014.  We

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2019-02-01T19:59:05+00:00June 12, 2015|

Ways & Means Votes for Permanent BIG Relief!

Earlier today, the House Ways and Means Committee voted out a number of business-friendly tax provisions, including two S corporation reforms introduced by Reps. Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Ron Kind (D-WI). You can click here to watch the video of the markup in its entirety.

The first bill (H.R. 4453) makes permanent a five-year built-in gains recognition period while the latter (H.R. 4454) does the same with a basis adjustment for charitable giving by S corporations. Both provisions were included in Chairman Camp’s tax reform draft and were voted out of Committee with comfortable majorities.

In a related effort, two dozen

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2019-02-01T20:05:23+00:00April 29, 2014|

Study Shows S Corps Pay Their Fair Share… And Then Some

Today, the National Federation of Independent Business and the S Corporation Association released a new study showing that S corporations pay the highest effective rates of any business type.

The study, authored by Quantria Strategies, LLC, compares the tax burden different business entities will shoulder in 2013 and finds that S corporations will pay the highest average effective tax rate (31.6 percent of their income), followed by partnerships (29.4 percent), C corporations (17.8 percent) and Sole Proprietorships (15.1 percent).

The results of this study come at a critical time for tax reform. Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp and Finance Committee

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2019-02-01T20:08:24+00:00August 7, 2013|

Business Groups Endorse Comprehensive Tax Reform

As the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction considers tax reform options, a large and diverse group of business associations has written to the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees making clear that any effort to reform the tax code must be comprehensive and it must recognize the critical contribution pass-through businesses make to investment and job creation in the United States.

Released on Wednesday, October 12th and signed by 44 business associations, including the National Federation of Independent Business, the National Association of Wholesale Distributors, the Associated General Contractors, the American Council of Engineering Companies, the Independent Community

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2019-02-01T20:24:44+00:00October 12, 2011|

Corporate-Only Reform Takes One on the Chin

Tom Barthold of the Joint Committee on Taxation made the case to the Super Committee last week against attempting to reform the corporate side only.

It would be very difficult to wall off a number of provisions and say we’ll have one set of rules if you’re this type of entity and a potentially different set of rules if you’re another type of entity.

Later, in an exchange with Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Barthold went into more detail:

SEN. PORTMAN: If you lowered the corporate rate and did so by getting rid of the some of the existing preferences, and those preferences also

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2019-02-01T20:24:45+00:00September 27, 2011|