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AMT and Corporate Tax Rates Together? Watch Out

As we have previously reported, Chairman Charlie Rangel has a deep interest in passing a permanent “fix” to the Alternative Minimum Tax. Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Paulson has kicked-off efforts to cut the corporate tax rate in order to make our corporations more competitive on the world stage.

Now the word on the Hill is that these two unrelated agendas may collide in the next week or two at a Ways and Means Committee hearing, and possibly at the end of the year as a massive tax reform package.

As BNA reported last week (subscription required), Chairman

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00September 25, 2007|

Finance Holds Small Business Tax Relief Hearing — S CORP Submits Testimony

Today, the Chairman of the S Corporation Association Advisory Committee, James Redpath, submitted testimony on S Corp reform to the Senate Committee on Finance. The Senate Finance Committee held the hearing on small business tax relief as part of its preparation for Senate consideration of the minimum wage increase. As Jim pointed out in his testimony:

I am concerned that many of the companies that will bear the impact of this increase in labor costs are closely-held or family-owned businesses structured as Subchapter S corporations. My goal is to provide you with

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2019-02-06T18:46:06+00:00January 10, 2007|


Real quick, here’s what we’re hearing on the prospects of tax legislation moving when Congress returns next week:

Congressmen Hastert, Boehner, and Thomas are gathering today to decide what the House tax bill should look like. As we’ve previously reported, the best guess is a narrow bill that extends for a couple years expiring tax provisions like the R&D tax credit, together with some non-controversial trade proposals. Targeted provisions outside the usual extenders may get included, but that’s not clear right now.

On the Senate side, the limiting factor appears to be whatever can get adopted by voice vote. With the Senate

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2019-02-06T18:47:18+00:00December 1, 2006|


For those who missed it, Monday’s Congress Daily does an excellent job of outlining the challenge confronting S Corporations and other flow-through businesses as Congress prepares to take up reconciliation, tax reform, an extension of expiring tax provisions, and other tax legislation this Congress. Continued interest by the press regarding the Joint Committee’s recommendation is a clear signal this issue is not going away & JCT and the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration have proposed changing the rules to ensure that payroll taxes are levied on all a firm’s income, regardless of how it is counted. Concern in

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2019-02-06T18:48:18+00:00August 11, 1005|