Home/Tag: Joint Committee on Taxation

S Corps Wary of Tax Gap Report and Hunt for Revenue Offsets

This week Congress winds up legislative business so that Members can go home and campaign for re-election. Following Election Day, both the House and the Senate will come back for a “Lame Duck” session of Congress. Depending upon the results of the election, it could be a very interesting session.

During the recess, S-CORP will continue educating congressional staff promoting and building support for the pro-S Corp bills introduced this Congress. If there’s an opportunity to include any of these provisions on moving legislation in the Lame Duck session, we want to be prepared!

Also of interest to S-CORP members, this week

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2019-02-06T18:47:19+00:00September 29, 2006|

S-CORP Fights Proposed Tax Increases As Congress Searches for Revenue

As S-CORP members will recall, this year began with a Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) proposal to impose a nearly 3 percent additional tax on the full distributable share of profits for S corporation shareholders. The proposed tax would raise an astonishing $57.4 billion over ten years by applying to shareholders of S corporations as well as to partnerships. Then in May, the Department of Treasury’s Inspector General for Tax Administration in testimony before the Senate Finance Committee (May 25, 2005) also endorsed the proposition that the net earnings of S corporations should be subject to payroll taxes. This was

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2019-02-06T18:48:18+00:00October 12, 2005|


For those who missed it, Monday’s Congress Daily does an excellent job of outlining the challenge confronting S Corporations and other flow-through businesses as Congress prepares to take up reconciliation, tax reform, an extension of expiring tax provisions, and other tax legislation this Congress. Continued interest by the press regarding the Joint Committee’s recommendation is a clear signal this issue is not going away…

JCT and the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration have proposed changing the rules to ensure that payroll taxes are levied on all a firm’s income, regardless of how it is counted. Concern in the small

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2019-02-06T18:48:18+00:00August 11, 2005|