Home/Tag: Job Creation

Jobs Bill on Senate Floor Next Week

Senate leadership has committed to taking up a Jobs bill next week. The details of the package are still being worked out, but the list released by the Senate Democrats includes:

  • Job Creation tax credit
  • UI and Cobra Extensions
  • Bonus depreciation and 179 expensing
  • Highway funding
  • Build America Bonds
  • SBA loans
  • Export Promotion
  • Some energy related tax items

Although it’s not mentioned, we do expect the tax extenders to also be part on the mix. On the other hand, an estate tax fix is not likely to be included. Senator Reid told reporters that he still plans to move legislation restoring the estate tax,

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2019-02-06T17:21:00+00:00February 5, 2010|

Business Community Rallies Around S Corporation Modernization

Last week, your S-CORP team sent a letter signed by 22 of our association allies to members of the House and Senate, urging them to cosponsor legislation to replace the dated rules that have governed S corporations for over fifty years. As the letter notes:

These outdated rules hurt the ability of S corporations to grow and create jobs. Many family-owned businesses would like to become S corporations, but the rules prevent them from doing so. Other S corporations are starved for capital, but find the rules

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2019-02-06T17:21:54+00:00January 27, 2010|

Senate Jobs Bill First Out of the Chute

With health care reform in a state of political limbo, Senate leadership is busy assembling a job-creation package that is likely to be the chamber’s next significant legislative effort.

Just before Christmas recess, the House hastily assembled and adopted a $154 billion spending package. In response, the Senate Finance Committee is working on a package that focuses more on tax relief than the House counterpart. As reported by Dow Jones:

The package would be paid for largely by re-directing funds that were available for the government’s bank bailout program, according

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2019-02-06T17:21:55+00:00January 26, 2010|

Estate Tax Update

Where to start? The August break is nearly over and Congress is scheduled to return after Labor Day with a full agenda that includes finishing (or finishing off) health care reform, wrapping up all the spending bills, increasing the debt ceiling, doing something on the energy front, and adopting a package extending expiring tax provisions, including a possible estate tax compromise.

Earlier this month, Martin Vaughan of the AP had a nice piece outlining the current state of play on the estate tax. While the House is poised

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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00August 31, 2009|

Estate Tax & PAYGO


The House is scheduled to take up a Paygo bill — short for b”pay-as-you-go” — this week that makes room for an estate tax fix. Paygo was established back in 1990 as a means of controlling the Federal deficit. Under Paygo, any increase in the deficit, either by a reduction in revenues or an increase in mandatory spending, must either be fully offset or it will be added to the Paygo scorecard and possibly trigger an across-the-board spending cut (called sequestration) at the end of the fiscal year.


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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00July 21, 2009|