Home/Tag: IRS

State Update and IRS Issues S Corp Rules

As S-CORP members will recall, S-CORP has been monitoring a number of states considering tax bills that will adversely affect S corporations. We were fortunate to lay the groundwork in Pennsylvania in working with others to Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.
S corporations fared better in Pennsvylania when, following the recommendation for a new entity-level tax in that state, S-CORP and others lobbied to reject proposed tax hikes on S corporations. Following active communications with the Rendell office, S-CORP scored a major victory when Rendell announced in February 2005 that his budget proposal would not embrace new taxes on S corporations. Rendell

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2019-02-06T18:48:18+00:00May 24, 2005|


For those who missed it, Monday’s Congress Daily does an excellent job of outlining the challenge confronting S Corporations and other flow-through businesses as Congress prepares to take up reconciliation, tax reform, an extension of expiring tax provisions, and other tax legislation this Congress. Continued interest by the press regarding the Joint Committee’s recommendation is a clear signal this issue is not going away & JCT and the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration have proposed changing the rules to ensure that payroll taxes are levied on all a firm’s income, regardless of how it is counted. Concern in

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2019-02-06T18:48:18+00:00August 11, 1005|