Home/Tag: double taxation

Ways and Means Hearing

S-corporation taxation took center stage on the Hill last week.

Carrying the S-Corp flag before the House Ways and Means Committee was Association Advisor Tom Nichols of Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C. Tom had been invited to represent the S Corporation Association and testify at a hearing entitled “Tax Treatment of Closely-Held Businesses in the Context of Tax Reform” along with five other witnesses representing other trade groups and academia. Tom’s testimony made clear to the tax writers what we’d like to see when they pursue tax reform:

“As much as possible,

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2019-02-01T20:21:28+00:00March 13, 2012|

Tax Notes: Make S-Corps Pay C-Corp Taxes

The drumbeat to impose the double corporate tax on large pass-through businesses grows louder. This time, it’s Martin Sullivan at Tax Notes arguing that larger firms should all be subject to corporate-level taxes. At least that’s the headline. Read the actual article, however, and our impression is a tax-writer at war with his conclusions. Try these lines:

  • “true tax reform would completely eliminate the double taxation of corporate income.”
  • “After all, the corporate tax is our worst tax.”
  • “What should be the dividing line between businesses subject to corporate tax and those that should be exempt? That’s not an easy question

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2019-02-01T20:48:05+00:00June 7, 2011|

S-CORP and Congressional Small Business Advocates Continue Push for b�Sting Taxb� Relief

Congress has returned from a weeklong recess and once again will attempt to finish last year’s tax business: a $70 billion tax cut bill (the “reconciliation” bill) and a pension reform bill. The S Corporation Association (“S-CORP”) continues to work with congressional tax-writers to include a Senate-passed provision to provide “sting tax” relief for S corporations subject to double taxation at the highest corporate rate in the tax reconciliation bill. S-CORP salutes Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) for leading a bicameral and bipartisan letter that was sent last night to the House and Senate conferees.

The letter urges House and Senate conferees

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2019-02-06T18:47:20+00:00March 28, 2006|