Home/Tag: debt ceiling

Administration’s Corporate-Only Plan Waiting Behind Debt Ceiling

The Administration appears to be holding back their Corporate-only tax reform plan until budget negotiators can settle on a deal to raise the debt ceiling. The Treasury Secretary is counting on congressional leaders to reach a long-term deal by the current August 2nd deadline, and then intends to move onto his corporate-only plan prior to the 2012 elections. At a speaking event in New York earlier this week he previewed the essential pitch:

“It’s a very hard thing to do because it will change the relative effective tax rates for different companies, different industries, but it’s an essential thing to do.

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2019-02-01T20:48:05+00:00May 20, 2011|

Items Remaining on the Congressional “To-Do” List

Friends of ours who follow Congress have begun quoting the old country and western song, “How Can I Miss You If You Won’t Go Away?” With Christmas less than two weeks away, Members of Congress would like to leave soon, but a long list of to-do items still stands in the way:
  • Health Care Reform: Majority Leader Reid is still pressing to get the Senate bill finished before Congress leaves for the New Year. He still might make it, but the odds against him are climbing rapidly.
  • Government Funding: Congress passed a batch of

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2019-02-06T17:21:55+00:00December 15, 2009|