Home/Tag: comprehensive

S-Corp in WSJ

S-Corp President Brian Reardon and Advisory Committee Chair Tom Nichols made the pass-through tax reform case in the pages of the Wall Street Journal on Friday.

The core message of the piece is that businesses both large and small have already voted against the concept of double-taxing business income, and it’s time for the tax code to catch up.  As the piece notes:

On paper, the U.S. has a world-wide tax system that imposes two layers of tax on overseas business income—an initial foreign tax when the money is earned and a second U.S. tax when the money is repatriated. In

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2019-02-01T19:56:25+00:00March 1, 2016|

Tax Reform Rehash

The release of Finance Committee tax reform discussion drafts on cost recovery and international tax have laid bare a reality that’s been hiding just below the surface for two years now the visions for reform embraced by the key House and Senate tax writing committees are dramatically different and move in opposite directions.

The international drafts are a good example. The Ways and Means draft would move the tax treatment of overseas income towards a territorial system, while the Baucus draft would move towards a more pure worldwide system by largely eliminating deferral. Here’s how the Tax Foundation described it:


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2019-02-01T20:19:33+00:00December 12, 2013|

Budget & Tax Policy Outlook

The agreement earlier this month between Senators Reid and McConnell reopened the government for a few months, but it failed to resolve any of the issues that precipitated the shutdown in the first place.B Thereb s still no consensus on spending levels or tax policy beyond the end of the year.B Key dates in the agreement are:

  • December 13th — Target for budget conferees to agree to a uniform budget
  • January 15th — Current government funding resolution (CR) expires
  • February 7th — Debt limit reached again

At this point, agreeing to a budget resolution would be a big deal.B Not only could

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2019-02-01T20:19:44+00:00October 31, 2013|

Game On!

This morning, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp announced that the House would act this fall, prior to the November elections, to extend current tax rates while outlining a process whereby the Committee would consider broad, comprehensive reforms to the tax code in 2013. This is obviously very welcome news to S-Corps and other job creators! Here’s what he had to say:

I can firmly say our goal is: One, block massive, job-killing tax increases; and, two, enact - not just pass - comprehensive tax reform. And, there is strong support to use the expiration of the 2010 compromise

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2019-02-01T20:21:27+00:00May 17, 2012|

More on Pass-Throughs and Corporate Reform

Last week, the Ways and Means Select Revenue Subcommittee held a hearing that sought to counter the momentum building within the Administration and in the press to tax pass-through businesses to pay for corporate-only tax reform.

Robert Carroll of Ernst and Young was one of the witnesses. As you’ll recall, S-CORP has asked Carroll to author a study on the economic importance of pass-through businesses and what impact corporate-only reform might have on them. His testimony last week touched on those themes and provided us with a nice preview of the study to come - including the news that pass-through firms

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2019-02-01T20:48:06+00:00March 8, 2011|