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Extensions for Main Street

Three cheers for Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) for fighting to move extensions of expired tax provisions benefiting Main Street businesses! Senators Snowe and Landrieu introduced the Small Business Tax Extenders Act of 2012 (S. 2050) this week to extend through 2012 those tax provisions benefiting Main Street businesses that were allowed to expire last year – including, an S-CORP priority, built-in gains (BIG) relief. Other provisions include extensions of the:

  • Temporary 100 percent exclusion of gains on certain small business stock;
  • 5-year carryback of general business credits of eligible small businesses;
  • AMT rules for general business credits of

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2019-02-01T20:21:28+00:00February 3, 2012|

New Year – New Challenges

Happy New Year! As we’re preparing for the new Congress and the new challenges it brings, we would like to once again thank you for your continued support of the S Corporation Association and to emphasize the important work we do in defense of the S-Corp community.

Perhaps the best that can be said about 2010 is that it showed consistent improvement. The year started with a horrible economy and policy clouds on the horizon. And though some of those policies were enacted – the new 3.8 percent tax on S corporation income, for example – many were defeated and the

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2019-02-04T15:46:13+00:00January 18, 2011|

President Signs BIG Relief!

In a capital-starved economy, what makes more sense than allowing firms access to their own capital? For one year beginning in 2011, hundreds of thousands of S corporations around the country will be able to do just that, thanks to the efforts of the S Corporation Association and its allies in Congress, particularly Senators Grassley, Lincoln, Hatch, and Snowe and Representatives Kind and Reichert.

On September 27th, President Obama signed into law the Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010 (HR 5297). Among other business friendly provisions, the bill includes one of the S Corporation Association’s tax priorities, a reduction in

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2019-02-04T15:47:03+00:00September 28, 2010|

Senate Passes Built-In Gains Relief

After months of maneuvering, the Senate today adopted H.R. 5297, the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act.B This legislation includes a number of business-friendly provisions, including the built-in gains tax relief so important to the S Corporation Community.B This is a big (excuse the pun) victory for S corps everywhere!

The bill now moves back to the House, where it could take two paths.B On the first path, the House takes up the Senate version, passes it intact, and sends it to the President for his signature.B The second path would include House amendments and more floor

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2019-02-04T15:47:04+00:00September 16, 2010|

Small Business Bill — Slogging Through the Senate

Last night, the Senate voted 60-39 to close debate on a Landrieu amendment to restore the $30 billion lending facility to the small business bill. This amendment was made necessary because earlier in the week, the leadership had dropped the lending facility due to staunch opposition from key swing votes.

The Senate is now on an unrelated bill, but we expect it to resume debate on the small business bill sometime next week, which will likely push House consideration of the bill into September. What’s the prognosis? Here’s the S-CORP Crystal Ball:

2019-02-06T17:20:58+00:00July 23, 2010|