Home/Tag: AMT

Peering into the Future of Tax Policy

We’ve been asked to gaze into our crystal ball and see what the future of tax policy looks like. For S Corporations, it looks a lot like when the Ghost of Christmas Future popped in to see Ebenezer Scrooge. Nothing has been etched in stone yet, but it’s still not a pretty picture of things to come.

On the macro level, three factors are going to frame the tax policy debate in the next Congress:

1. All the tax relief enacted in 2001 and 2003 expires at the end of 2010. Unless Congress takes action, tax rates on individuals and flow-through businesses,

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2019-02-06T18:43:57+00:00February 25, 2008|

President to Sign Fiscal Stimulus

The President is expected to sign the fiscal stimulus package on Wednesday. After two weeks of hand ringing and posturing, the Senate finally adopted a slightly modified version of the bill the House and the President originally had negotiated.

As sent to the President, the package would:

  • Send checks of $600 per filer and $300 per child to families with joint incomes of less than $150,000. Actual amounts will be calculated based on income tax filings for 2007, so expect the actual checks to be in the mail by late spring and early summer.
  • Encourage new business investment by increasing the limit on

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2019-02-06T18:43:57+00:00February 11, 2008|

President’s Budget is Good for S Corporations, Too Bad Congress will Ignore It

The President’Fs fiscal year 2009 budget was released this morning together with the “Blue Book“ describing his proposed tax policies. Here are a couple thoughts as Congress begins the process of putting together its tax and spending bills for the coming year.

First, the whole process of the President’s budget has a strong element of unfairness to it. For the past three decades, every President has put together a comprehensive annual budget and sent it up to the

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2019-02-06T18:43:58+00:00February 4, 2008|

2008 Tax Forecast

While everyone else is predicting the presidential primaries, we thought we’d take a look at the forecast for tax policy in Congress this year.

The usual refrain for a presidential election year is that all the real policy issues are pushed aside in favor of posturing for the election and the following session of Congress.

While we expect to see lots of posturing, there are two reasons why some real tax work might get done this year, namely, the deteriorating economy and the expiration of the R&E tax credit and other tax extenders.

Nearly all of the Presidential candidates have put forward a

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2019-02-06T18:43:58+00:00January 16, 2008|

AMT and Other Updates

Just after Thanksgiving, we put together a list of the must-pass items that Congress would turn to in December, including the AMT/Extender package, omnibus spending bill, farm bill, S-CHIP, energy bill, and Medicare Doctors payment legislation.

With just a few hours to go in this congressional session, it looks like many of these items will clear the Congress “in one form or another” and be sent to the President. In just the last day, the two bodies dealt with the omnibus spending bill (including $70 billion to fund the war in Iraq), a six-month extension of doctors’ payments under Medicare and

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2019-02-06T18:43:58+00:00December 19, 2007|