Home/Tag: AMT

Tax Credit Repeal – Another Hit on S Corporations?

BNA this morning has additional information about the AMT repeal legislation planned to be introduced tomorrow by Chairman Charlie Rangel. Aside from the offsets we mentioned yesterday – rate increase, LIFO repeal, manufacturing deduction repeal – all of which would raise taxes on S corporations if enacted, another potential offset is the repeal of the R&D tax credit. As BNA reports:

“The enticement will be a lower corporate rate but the pay-fors would mean shutting down loopholes,” Neal said. This includes, Neal said, killing the popular research and development tax credit. A one-year extension

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2019-02-06T18:44:36+00:00October 24, 2007|

Rangel to Propose Corporate Rate Cut

The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel will likely introduce his “Mother of All Tax Bills” this week, a proposal marrying the repeal of the individual AMT with a cut in the top corporate rate to 30 or 31 percent.

How is he going to offset the revenue loss of all this tax relief? Here’s what we’re hearing:

  • Rate Increase on Upper Income Taxpayers;
  • Eliminate the Manufacturing Deduction;
  • Change the Rules Allocating Expenses on International Income;
  • Repeal LIFO (!);
  • Raise Tax Rates on Publicly Traded Partnerships and Hedge Funds.


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2019-02-06T18:44:36+00:00October 23, 2007|

AMT Dominates Tax Outlook

For the past few months, we’ve been tracking the progress, or lack thereof, of legislation to protect taxpayers from the growth of the Alternative Minimum Tax. The two principle points of tension were:

  • Conflicting approaches between the House and the Senate. The House, under the leadership of Chairman Charlie Rangel, was pressing to do something permanent. The Senate, on the other hand, made it clear that they were only interested in a one or two year “patch” to temporarily stem the growth of AMT taxpayers.
  • Conflicting approaches on how to offset the revenue impact of addressing the AMT, or whether to offset

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2019-02-06T18:44:36+00:00October 18, 2007|

AMT and Corporate Tax Rates Together? Watch Out

As we have previously reported, Chairman Charlie Rangel has a deep interest in passing a permanent “fix” to the Alternative Minimum Tax. Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Paulson has kicked-off efforts to cut the corporate tax rate in order to make our corporations more competitive on the world stage.

Now the word on the Hill is that these two unrelated agendas may collide in the next week or two at a Ways and Means Committee hearing, and possibly at the end of the year as a massive tax reform package.

As BNA reported last week (subscription required), Chairman

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00September 25, 2007|

Congress Returns

Congress came back from its August break this week and is picking up right where it left off, struggling with the question of what to do with the Alternative Minimum Tax and examining how to appropriately tax the carried interest earned by hedge fund managers and other general partners.

These questions are connected, obviously, in that addressing the AMT will be very expensive while raising the tax rates on carried interest would presumably raise lots of revenue. That’s one reason why both the Ways and Means and

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2019-02-06T18:44:37+00:00September 7, 2007|