Home/Tag: alternative minimum tax

Tax Bill Offset Tally

To simplify tracking of the various tax bills under consideration by Congress, we’ve put together a chart of what’s moving and what’s being discussed, including separate tax bills on the AMT, energy production, education, housing, family tax relief, children’s health insurance, and international tax provisions.

As you can see, the total cost of the bills contemplated could exceed $1 trillion (!) over ten years. That’s a lot of offsets for Congress to generate, which suggests many of these bills will be delayed and/or scrapped as Congress weighs the benefits of action

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2019-02-06T18:44:38+00:00June 11, 2007|

Small Business Tax Package Signed Into Law

Congress returns this week following its Memorial Day recess. As expected, the Small Business tax package was signed into law along with the Iraqi War funding just before they left. This package included a number of S corporation reforms that we have been working on for years, and represents a significant improvement to the rules governing how S corporations operate.

Key reforms included relief from the dreaded “sting tax” as well as allowing trusts that hold S corporation stock to deduct their interest expenses, something other trusts have long been allowed to do. And while we did not get everything we

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2019-02-06T18:44:38+00:00June 5, 2007|

Another Tax Gap Hearing, Another Standoff

In case you didn’t already catch the Senate Finance Committee hearing featuring Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson yesterday, here’s a quick summary.

The hearing itself was pretty entertaining and highlighted the on-going stand-off between Paulson and Finance Chairman Baucus. Baucus set a timetable for results saying that he wants a 90% voluntary compliance rate by the year 2017 – placing the responsibility on the Treasury to come up with this plan and deliver it in 90 days – July 18th – to the Committee. Paulson responded that he would be more than happy to come

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2019-02-06T18:46:05+00:00April 19, 2007|

AMT Legislative Forecast

While Congress is considering numerous changes to the Tax Code, the 800 pound gorilla in tax policy these days is the projected growth of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and what exactly Congress plans to do about it. A couple of news items this week do an excellent job of setting the table for what might happen.

According to the New York Times,

      Between now and the end of May, House Democratic leaders hope to draft a permanent overhaul of the tax that would effectively exclude anyone who earns less

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2019-02-06T18:46:05+00:00April 13, 2007|

Tax Hikes under the Guise of Tax Relief?

Here’s more on what the House might be considering for its next tax bill this spring. As you’ll recall, last week they announced they would put forward a plan to address — that is, slow the growth of — the Alternative Minimum Tax among upper income taxpayers. This plan would be permanent, and would likely be offset with targeted tax increases elsewhere.

What would these targeted tax increases look like?

According to several sources, the Ways and Means Committee plans to lower the income thresholds applying to the 33 and 35 percent tax brackets. For married taxpayers filing jointly in 2006, the

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2019-02-06T18:46:05+00:00March 13, 2007|