
S-Corp Submits Valuation Comments

Yesterday, the S Corporation Association submitted its formal comments to the IRS on the pending Section 2704 valuation rules.  You can read all 15 pages of comments here, but the basic message of the submission was that Treasury should discard this effort and start over.  As the comments conclude:

Promulgation of the Proposed Regulations in their current form and scope will generate significant uncertainty and constitute a significant impediment for the continuity of family-controlled businesses.  The Proposed Regulations inappropriately and illegally discriminate against family controlled businesses in form and effect.  If Treasury is inclined to promulgate regulations to address perceived

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2019-02-01T19:49:54+00:00October 18, 2016|

S Corps Exempted from 385 Rules

Here’s a bit of good news for the S corporation community – Treasury has exempted them from the newly published rules under Section 385.

This is a huge relief to the S corporation community.  The rules would have hit S corporations the hardest, despite them having no skin in the “base erosion” game.  S corporations would have suffered through the new reporting requirements and limitations on cash pooling and related party loans just like their C corporation counterparts, but they also would have faced the prospect of losing their S corporation status, together with the multitude of tax and penalty

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2019-02-01T19:49:54+00:00October 14, 2016|

Latest on 385

It looks like the IRS and Treasury have made their revisions to the proposed 385 regulations and are just waiting for sign-off from the White House.  According to our friends at Politico:

Tax lawyers just held a big confab in Boston, and, not surprisingly, it was rife with speculation about just what the Treasury Department’s final Section 385 rules might contain. Tax Analysts sifted through some of the unanswered questions and predictions now that Treasury has sent final rules to the White House, including whether the department would only finalize part of the extensive anti-inversion rules it rolled out

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2019-02-01T19:49:54+00:00October 5, 2016|

Business Community Rallies

Thousands of family businesses signed a letter this week calling on the Department of the Treasury to withdraw proposed regulations that target family businesses for sharply higher gift and estate taxes.

Getting that many private companies to weigh in on a public issue like this one is simply astounding, and should serve as an indication of just how threatening these regulations are to the ability of family businesses to survive from one generation to the next. As Law360 reported on the letter:

NAM released a letter with more than 50 pages of signatures urging Lew to pull the proposed regulations,

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2019-02-01T19:49:54+00:00September 30, 2016|

Response to Valuation Rules Continues

The Main Street Employers coalition sent a letter to congressional tax writers yesterday opposing the proposed rules on estate valuations and calling on Congress to weigh in with Treasury on the issue.  From Politico:

The business community is escalating its efforts to beat back new Treasury regulations on the estate tax, which have somewhat fallen under the radar due to all the attention given to the Section 385 earnings stripping rules. A coalition called Parity for Main Street Employers sent leading congressional tax writers a letter asking Congress to urge Treasury to pull back rules that would make it harder

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2019-02-01T19:49:54+00:00September 23, 2016|