
Business Community Rallies Behind 3.8% NIIT Repeal

The Business Committee came out in force today in opposition to the Obamacare 3.8 percent Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) and, more to the point, in support of repealing this harmful tax as part of the on-going health care reform effort.

More than forty national trade groups joined the S Corporation Association in writing to Senate Majority Leader McConnell supporting NIIT repeal as a priority in health care reform. Since the beginning of the year, repeal of this tax had been a core part of Republican efforts to roll back the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  But in recent weeks a

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2019-01-31T22:48:48+00:00July 11, 2017|

S-Corp Testifies

S-Corp President Brian Reardon testified yesterday before the Senate Small Business Committee in a hearing entitled “Tax Reform: Removing Barriers to Small Business Growth.”  As Inside Sources reported:

The hearing primarily focused on ensuring small businesses are considered in the current push to lower corporate tax rates. The Small Business Administration found that small businesses make up a sizable portion of the national economy at 49.2 percent of private-sector employment.

“As we all know, our tax code is in need of reform,” New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, the ranking member of the committee, said at the start of the

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2019-01-31T22:48:48+00:00June 15, 2017|

Pass Thru Rates & Enforcement

As Congress returns to tackle tax reform, one area of consensus continues to be ensuring that Main Street is treated fairly by establishing a new, low top rate on pass through businesses.  But separating business and individual rates brings its own challenges.  As BNA reported last week:

Economists and tax accountants note that taxing pass through income at rates distinct from the individual income scale would open up incentives for taxpayers to route their income through the lowest rate path. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin recently said tax reform legislation would include rules to prevent people from gaming the tax rate

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2019-01-31T22:48:48+00:00June 6, 2017|

Ways & Means Takes on Tax Reform

The House Ways and Means Committee began its focus on tax reform yesterday with a hearing on economic growth.  The hearing, entitled “How Tax Reform Will Grow Our Economy and Create Jobs” featured four company representatives and one hedge fund manager invited, oddly enough, by the Minority.

One of the company witnesses, Zach Mottl, is the Chief Alignment Officer for Atlas Tool Works, a multi-generation family business located outside of Chicago.  Operating in an industry with large, multinational competitors, Zach made clear the current rate structure is tilted against smaller companies like theirs that lack the international presence to

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2021-08-16T14:02:35+00:00May 19, 2017|

2704 and Family Businesses

Remember the Obama Administration’s family-business valuation rules?  They were proposed back in August and resulted in such a backlash from the family business community that Treasury received nearly 29,000 comments during the 90-day comment period.  That’s a record as best as we can tell.

So where do the rules stand now?  Here’s the latest.

Two weeks ago, President Trump signed an Executive Order calling on Treasury to review all “significant tax regulations” issued last year and 1) identify those that are burdensome, complex or exceed Treasury’s authority, 2) issue a report within 60 days listing those identified rules, and 3)

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2019-01-31T22:50:18+00:00May 9, 2017|