
Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 9 – Tax Foundation President Scott Hodge

Scott Hodge, President of the Tax Foundation, joins to discuss details of the Biden administration’s latest tax proposal, the economic effects of policies being considered (spoiler alert: they’re not good), and his recent appearances before the Senate Finance and Budget committees. Scott also shares his predictions on the Washington Nationals’ prospects this year, and debates Brian on motorsports.

Our latest “Talking Taxes in a Truck” podcast was recorded on April 28, 2021, and runs 21 minutes long.


2021-04-28T19:30:17+00:00April 28, 2021|

Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 8 – “Process is as Important!”

Tori Gorman, Policy Director for The Concord Coalition, joins our podcast to discuss the intricacies of the budget reconciliation process, its role in moving the latest Covid relief package, whether policies like a $15 minimum wage can be advanced through reconciliation, and what the upcoming fights over process mean for the tax outlook in 2021.

Our latest “Talking Taxes in a Truck” podcast was recorded on February 22, 2021, and runs 28 minutes long.

Editor’s Note: At 1:15, Brian incorrectly describes Tori’s past role at the Senate Budget Committee as “Counsel.” Her title on the committee was “Parliamentarian.”


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2021-03-05T18:46:09+00:00February 25, 2021|

Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 7 – George Callas on Tax Outlook, Effective Dates for Estate and Capital Gains Taxes, and Super Bowl Prediction

George Callas, Managing Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy at Steptoe, joins the podcast to discuss the tax outlook under President Biden and the new Democratic Congress, including upcoming stimulus debate, health care reforms, and the possibility of estate and capital gains tax hikes, and when those might be effective.

Our latest “Talking Taxes in a Truck” podcast was recorded on January 12, 2021, and runs 29 minutes.

Editor’s Note:  George would like to change his prediction that the Chiefs win the Super Bowl. He says it’ll be the Packers. 

You can access the podcast on Libsyn by clicking 

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2021-03-05T18:47:21+00:00January 13, 2021|

Talking Taxes In a Truck Episode 6 – Doug Badger on the Coronavirus, Health Savings Accounts, Florida, and the Phillies

Doug Badger, former Deputy Assistant to the President and misguided Phillies fan, talks COVID-19, what needs to happen for the economy to reopen, and the prospects for baseball to return in our latest “Talking Taxes in a Truck” podcast.  Recorded on June 26, 2020 — 23 minutes.

You can access the podcast on Libsyn by clicking here.

2021-01-27T13:56:58+00:00June 27, 2020|

Talking Taxes In a Truck Episode 5 – David Winston on Where the Coronavirus is Taking Us

David Winston, President of the Winston Group, a super smart strategic policy and research firm based in Washington DC, says there are three phases to the COVID-19 response.  Which one are we in now?  Find out by listening to our latest “Talking Taxes in a Truck” podcast.  We cover the effects of the coronavirus shutdown on businesses and consumers and where things are headed.  Will it be new normal or business as usual?  Recorded on May 28, 2020 — 22 minutes.

You can access

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2021-01-27T13:58:30+00:00May 29, 2020|