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So far admin has created 577 blog entries.

Congress Moves CTA Delay (Maybe)

Lots of action with the CTA in the weeks leading up to New Year’s. On Tuesday past, the House advanced the Protect Small Business and Prevent Illicit Financial Activity Act (H.R. 5119) sponsored by Representatives Joyce Beatty (D-OH) and Zach Nunn (R-IA), legislation that would extend key deadlines under the Corporate Transparency Act. The bill passed on the Suspension Calendar – a procedural move reserved for non-controversial measures – and sailed through with a vote of 420 to 1. More on this bill and its implications below.

While the House was adopting the Nunn bill, a bicameral group of

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2023-12-21T18:59:41+00:00December 21, 2023|

Webinar Recap: CTA Compliance – What Main Street Needs to Know

Starting in January, the Corporate Transparency Act will require more than 32 million businesses and other legal entities to report the personal information of their owners, key employees, and others to the federal government. 32 million!

The CTA is complex, expansive, and with less than a month to go, most Main Street businesses remain completely oblivious as to its existence.

To help demystify it all, S-Corp hosted a webinar yesterday featuring longtime ally and CTA expert Tim Terry of Hartz Capital.  Tim’s slides can be found here, and you can access a recording of the webinar by

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2023-12-13T17:51:02+00:00December 13, 2023|

Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 32: The State of State Taxes

Congress may have skipped tax policy this year, but the states have been busy. To get an idea of where things stand both good and bad, we talked to Jared Walczak, Vice President of State Projects at the Tax Foundation and one of the more active players in this space. Our conversation starts with the wealth taxes several states have proposed in recent months, the important but ignored Antio case moving through the Washington State courts (look out investors!), and a quick review of the record number of states implementing rate cuts reforms this year (go states!). We close by

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2023-12-09T12:11:35+00:00December 9, 2023|

Join Us: Fines, Jail Time, and Headaches – CTA Compliance Challenges for Main Street Businesses

The Corporate Transparency Act is the most far-reaching data collection mandate you’ve never heard of. Starting January, the new law will require more than 32 million businesses and other legal entities to report the personal information of their owners, key employees, and other individuals to the federal government. 32 million!

The CTA is as complex as it is expansive, yet with less than a month to go, most Main Street businesses remain in the dark about the law’s existence or what they need to do to comply.

Is your landlord a beneficial owner?

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2023-12-08T18:05:34+00:00December 8, 2023|

Save the Tax Code, Save the Country

Save the Tax Code, Save the Country 

This week’s Ways and Means hearing adds to the growing conversation focused on “what comes next” for the tax code. Like the residents of a dying planet, the DC tax crowd appears to instinctively understand that something big needs to change if we’re going to survive the decade.

Rumor has it that the hearing was a promise then-Speaker McCarthy made to the Freedom Caucus in exchange for their support of a past effort.  The challenge is consumption taxes – the focus of Wednesday’s hearing – are problematic for everybody. On the left, their

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2023-12-07T20:28:33+00:00December 7, 2023|