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So far admin has created 518 blog entries.

More on Moore

We promised more on Moore v. United States, and here it is. The pending court case is garnering lots of attention, including the WSJ, the Tax Policy Center, Tax Notes, former tax staffer George Callas, even former Senator John Breaux. What’s got them all worked up?

9th Circuit Goes Big

At issue is whether Charles and Kathleen Moore realized income even though the business they partially owned never distributed earnings. Before you start yawning, be advised this case could have implications for all sorts of tax policy, including mark-to-market proposals, wealth taxes, even

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2023-07-28T14:03:56+00:00July 28, 2023|

NY Needs R&E Expensing!

Lynn Mucenski-Keck, an S-Corp Advisor and Principal at the accounting firm Withum, is out with new Forbes piece highlighting how punitive the new research and experimentation (R&E) tax regime is to businesses in New York and across the country.

With New York already fighting to retain businesses, the capitalization of federal R&E expenditures may result in more companies moving out of New York to balance their federal and New York State tax bills. One of the attractions for New York businesses is our highly educated and talented workforce. New York is consistently rated as one of the top ten

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2023-07-25T20:40:32+00:00July 25, 2023|

Talking Taxes in a Truck Episode 29: NFIB’s Kevin Kuhlman on Looming CTA Reporting Requirements and 199A Permanence

Our latest podcast guest is Kevin Kuhlman, Vice President of Federal Government Relations at the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). Kevin kicks things off by recapping his testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, and explains how the Corporate Transparency Act’s reporting rules will saddle the small business community with unprecedented compliance costs and the threat of hefty fines and jail time, while doing virtually nothing to combat illicit activity. Later he discusses the strong show of support in the House for Rep. Lloyd Smucker’s Section 199A permanence bill, the Main Street Tax Certainty Act (H.R. 4721); how small

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2024-02-12T18:22:18+00:00July 22, 2023|

Main Street Certainty in the House!

Congressman Lloyd Smucker today will introduce the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, legislation to make permanent the Section 199A deduction. The bill mirrors S. 1706, recently introduced by Senator Steve Daines, so the campaign to protect Main Steet from looming tax hikes is now bicameral and bipartisan.

The legislation introduced today enjoys widespread support in the House. Over 80 original cosponsors joined Smucker in its introduction, including Democratic Representatives Henry Cuellar (TX) and Josh Gottheimer (NJ), and all 25 Republican members of the Ways & Means Committee.

Meanwhile, over 160 trade associations joined our letter thanking Congressman Smucker and Senator

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2023-07-18T18:45:41+00:00July 18, 2023|

Targeting the CTA

S-Corp President Brian Reardon is out with an op-ed in the Washington Examiner that breaks down just how onerous and poorly constructed the Corporate Transparency Act’s reporting requirements really are.

We’ve written about the CTA at length (here, here, and here) but the piece that ran on Monday is designed to sound the alarm to an even broader audience. It begins:

Starting next year, millions of small business owners will get a letter from a federal agency they’ve never heard of, telling them they need to comply with a law nobody’s told them about. Most, like reasonable people,

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2023-10-04T16:39:25+00:00July 5, 2023|