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So far admin has created 169 blog entries.

The Washington Post Discovers Small Employers

The Washington Post this week reported on an issue that shouldn’t come as a surprise for S-CORP readers: President Obama’s tax plans could hurt many of America’s small businesses. Small business owners who report their business profits on their personal income returns (like most small business owners do) are suddenly finding themselves classified as the “richest” Americans, and thereby subject to Obama’s tax increases. The Post explains:

Across the nation, many business owners are watching anxiously as the President undertakes expensive initiatives to overhaul health care and expand educational opportunities, while also reining

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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00April 28, 2009|

The Washington Post Discovers Small Employer

The Washington Post this week reported on an issue that shouldn’t come as a surprise for S-CORP readers: President Obama’s tax plans could hurt many of America’s small businesses. Small business owners who report their business profits on their personal income returns (like most small business owners do) are suddenly finding themselves classified as the “richest” Americans, and thereby subject to Obama’s tax increases. The Post explains:

Across the nation, many business owners are watching anxiously as the President undertakes expensive initiatives to overhaul health care and expand educational opportunities, while also reining

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2019-02-06T17:21:56+00:00April 28, 2009|

Middle-Class Tax Increases on the Horizon

Last Wednesday’s The Hill included a comprehensive overview of the exploding spending and deficit picture and calls into question President Obama’s ability to live up to his long-held promise not to raise middle class taxes. It’s worth a look.

For the past half-year, your S-CORP team has focused on President Obama’s long-stated goal to pay for health care reform and his other spending priorities by raising taxes on American families making more than $250,000 per year, all while cutting taxes for middle-class families.

With the Federal deficit approaching $2 trillion this year, however, just how does one expand government, reduce the deficit,

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2019-02-06T17:21:57+00:00April 21, 2009|

Budget Process and Reconciliation

Both the House and the Senate completed their respective budget resolutions last week. The plan now is for the two bodies to get together to resolve any differences and produce a single budget in the form of a conference report. We expect most of those discussions to take place over the next couple of weeks.

One of the key questions for budget conferees is whether or not they will include reconciliation instructions for health care reform and climate change. As S-CORP readers know, the virtue of reconciliation is that it lowers the bar to pass something in the Senate from a

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2019-02-06T17:22:35+00:00April 8, 2009|

Congressional Budget Takes Form

Lots of budget related news in recent days with implications for small business taxpayers. First, the Congressional Budget Office weighed in last week with its analysis of the Obama budget outline and estimated that the Administration’s proposals, if enacted intact, would double the overall deficit over the next ten years.mThe numbers are truly staggering and should scare any reasonable person who plans to be a taxpayer over the next several decades. Starting with a deficit of around $1.8 trillion this year —

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2019-02-06T17:22:35+00:00March 25, 2009|