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What’s On Deck for the Rest of 2015

Speaker Boehner had a three step plan at the beginning of October: 1) Resign at the end of the month; 2) Clear the legislative decks of controversial and difficult items; 3) Turn the gavel over to a new Speaker to begin their tenure with a clean slate.

Looking back, he pretty much pulled it off.  Sure, the Speakership went to Paul Ryan, not Kevin McCarthy, and not all the tough legislative items cleared Congress, but the simple fact is that Speaker Ryan begins his term with a much more manageable set of issues than the laundry list of must pass items

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2019-02-01T19:59:04+00:00November 2, 2015|

S Corp News Clips

More on Tax Reform

We’ve previously commented on Chairman Paul Ryan’s desire to do as much as he can this Congress to lay the groundwork for comprehensive tax reform in 2017. Now, in the Wall Street Journal, he gives us a better sense of what that groundwork looks like.

“There’s a big difference between our view and the president’s view. He believes we should have higher tax rates on individuals. We think they should be lower. And when eight out of 10 businesses in America are what we call pass-throughs, LLCs, sole proprietors, sub S corporations, their top effective tax right

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2019-02-01T19:59:05+00:00June 26, 2015|

Kleinbard on Tax Reform

Edward Kleinbard, the former Director of the Congressional Budget Office, has a piece in Bloomberg on the prospects of corporate tax reform that makes some interesting points worth considering.

To start, he argues that Congress should pass corporate-only tax reform and pass through businesses can just convert to C corporation status and access the new lower rates.  He’s made this case previously, and we address it here,

But why is corporate-only reform necessary?  Well, it’s just impossible to reduce pass through rates these days:

Reducing top individual tax rates is a nonstarter. The Barack Obama administration would be adamantly opposed, and

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2019-02-01T20:00:10+00:00March 6, 2015|